Wraparound Archives - National Wraparound Initiative (NWI)
Stories of Navigating Youth and Family Systems
January 13, 2025 | NWI
This podcast series features authentic stories shared by individuals who have navigated various youth and family systems. Each episode offers a unique perspective on their encounters within these systems and solutions to the challenges they faced.
Predict, Prevent, Plan: A New Tool from John VanDenBerg
April 21, 2023 | NWI
Wraparound pioneer John VanDenBerg co-authored this article and accompanying video describing a new tool for dealing with traumatic events. The article also recounts how the authors used the tool in their own professions, lives, and family.
Challenges for Families of Special-Needs Children Adopted from Overseas
August 7, 2022 | NWI
For years, evangelical Christians were enthusiastic supporters of adoption by sponsoring conferences, targeting adoption-friendly Sundays and staging adoption fairs in parish halls. Thousands of overseas children got new homes. Leading the way were evangelical luminaries such as recording artist Steven Curtis Chapman (three daughters from China) and then-Southern Baptist leader Russell Moore (two sons from Russia). Enthusiastic parents took up the challenge, traveling overseas for one or more children, even adopting special needs kids whose home countries were not interested in their care. More than a decade after this movement peaked, many families who went overseas are in crisis mode.
New Study of Wraparound with Homeless Youth
August 7, 2022 | NWI
A newly-published study, Watch Me Rise: An Evaluation of Wraparound With Homeless Youth With a Child Welfare History presents findings from a formative evaluation of youth outcomes. Results indicate youth housing stability improved within the first six months of youth enrolling in WMR. Youth also demonstrated improvements in life domain functioning and employment and/or employment readiness. Although several other outcomes were not achieved or the results were inconclusive, the study highlights important insights for working with and studying this important population.
New Research on Peer Support in Wraparound
May 13, 2022 | NWI
This new article, published in Psychiatric Services, reports on a study that investigated a skills enhancement and role clarification training intervention for young adult peer support specialists (YPSSs) in Wraparound. The results showed gains in YPSSs’ skills and confidence in providing person-centered planning to the young people they worked with as well as reduced job-related anxiety and high training satisfaction.
Racial-Ethnic Disparities in Wraparound
April 4, 2022 | NWI
Previous research has illustrated significant disparities in outcomes of non-Wraparound care on the basis of youths’ race-ethnicity. This study aimed to fill a research gap by examining disparities in outcomes for families receiving Wraparound care coordination within a system of care.
WERT releases WFI-EZ Benchmarks
August 30, 2021 | NWI
Users of the Wraparound Fidelity Index-EZ will be pleased to learn that the Wraparound Evaluation and Research Team at the University of Washington has released a brief report describing benchmarks that programs can use to interpret their WFI-WZ scores. The benchmarks provide score ranges for Wraparound fidelity that is high, adequate, borderline and inadequate.
Making the preschool magic last as children get older
August 29, 2018 | Emily Taylor
This article from Hechinger Report profiles the success of Christopher House, a nonprofit in Chicago that runs a charter elementary school and several preschools. From the preschool on, Christopher House focuses on supporting the needs of the entire family. Based on the academic performance of its students, the approach is successful.
April 26 Webinar: Measuring Wraparound Fidelity in Systems of Care
March 21, 2018 | Emily Taylor
Part of the Children’s Mental Health Initiative (CMHI) National Evaluation Web Event Training Series, this webinar will feature presenters from NWI providing an overview of the processes and technologies associated with ensuring quality and accountability in Wraparound care coordination. Topics covered will include the Wraparound Fidelity Assessment System (WFAS), WrapSTAR and the new Wraparound Implementation Practice Standards (WIPS), as well as strategies for incorporating fidelity assessments into already existing data collection procedures and timelines.
- Eric Bruns, PhD, Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington
- Spencer Hensley, BA, Technical Assistance Specialist, University of Washington
- April Sather. MPH, Research Project Director,
University of Washington
- Abram Rosenblatt, PhD, Project Director, CMHI National Evaluation, Westat
Wraparound Conference in New Zealand
February 20, 2017 | Emily Taylor
Dr. Ruth Gammon of Massey University in New Zealand and Dr. Eric Bruns, co-director of the National Wraparound Initiative, were keynote speakers at a Wraparound conference at Massey University earlier this month. The event offered information and training workshops for those who work with at-risk children and families.