Interventions and Treatment Archives - National Wraparound Initiative (NWI)
Children and Youth Resilience Challenge Winners
July 28, 2024 | NWI
Children and Youth Resilience Challenge Winners
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has announced the winners of the HHS Children and Youth Resilience Challenge, a $1 million federal prize competition to identify and elevate promising, community-based initiatives that improve psychological resilience and advance child and youth behavioral health.
Drug-Free Approaches to Treating Anxiety
June 16, 2024 | NWI
A promising new approach to treat anxiety in teens involves intentional recall of a teen’s fears followed by a “memory reconsolidation updating” protocol.
What Exactly Is Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)?
May 13, 2024 | NWI
Generally, SEL means gaining skills and knowledge in areas like working with others to achieve a common goal, using emotional self-regulation, and maintaining healthy relationships. Students who participate in school-based SEL interventions experience significantly improved prosocial behaviors, academic achievement and peer relationships. This article draws out the connections between SEL and student mental health.
New Research Article on Peer Support for Youth and Young Adults
February 4, 2024 | NWI
This free, full-text article on the Pathways website describes a research study focused on peer support for young people experiencing serious mental health conditions. The article details a new theory that shows how and why one-on-one peer support produces positive outcomes for young people receiving peer support. The article also outlines key skills that peer support specialists use to enhance the likelihood of positive outcomes.
Supporting Youth Mental Health With Arts-Based Strategies
February 3, 2024 | NWI
This article discusses the global youth mental health crisis and notes major gaps in the knowledge and resources needed to address it. It goes on to describe the potential for arts- and culture-based strategies to help meet this challenge, review the mounting evidence regarding art’s ability to support mental health, and call for action to undertake critical research and its translation into accessible community practices.
When to Adapt: Evidence-Based Treatments for Children of Diverse Cultural Backgrounds
December 1, 2023 | NWI
This Issue Brief describes what is known about making adaptations to behavioral health evidence-based treatments for diverse populations or children, and provides recommendations for clinicians on when and how to make these decisions.
Bike Riding in Middle School May Boost Mental Health
October 30, 2023 | NWI
Teaching middle schoolers bike riding skills as part of physical education classes may help improve their mental health. That’s according to a new study that looked at the effects of a 6-8 week cycling class taught in schools across the U.S.
Navigating SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) with Older Youth
September 24, 2023 | NWI
While many SEL programs and much of the research to date have focused on elementary school-aged children, more recent research shows that middle and high school-aged youth can also show substantial benefits from explicit opportunities for social and emotional development. This blog explores the benefits of and enabling conditions for high-quality SEL programs for young people in middle and high school.
Mental Health and Schools: Best Practices to Support Our Students
July 23, 2023 | NWI
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) built upon effective, culturally and linguistically responsive interventions are the most promising strategy for achieving positive student behavioral health outcomes. This report highlights the current strengths and barriers related to promoting healthy outcomes for students living with mental health concerns, and provides actionable recommendations and strategies to ensure that all children and families have access to the services and supports they need in order to thrive.
For Parents Considering Residential Care
May 22, 2023 | NWI
This document is designed to help parents make informed decisions about residential care for their child or adolescent.