Trauma Archives - Page 4 of 7 - National Wraparound Initiative (NWI)

Child Trends Research: High-Quality Connections Can Protect At-Risk Youth

August 22, 2018 | Emily Taylor

This Child Trends research, funded through a grant from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), focused on youth with dual involvement with child welfare and juvenile justice systems, and the relationship between child maltreatment and later delinquent and criminal behavior, as well as the impact potential protective factors. The results suggest that increasing the quality of these youths’ connections to their families, schools, and communities can reduce their engagement in criminal behavior, and reduce recidivism.

Read more and download the full report»

New Policy Brief on 2017 NCTSN System Framework for Trauma-Informed Schools

August 9, 2018 | Emily Taylor

A new policy brief is now available on the key elements of the 2017 NCTSN System Framework for Trauma-Informed Schools. Trauma-Informed Schools for Children in K-12: A System Framework also delineates the public health implications of trauma exposure and the benefits of trauma-informed schools.

Read the new info brief»

Resource for Schools: After a Suicide

April 24, 2018 | Emily Taylor

The Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) has published the 2nd edition of its After a Suicide: A Toolkit for Schools to assist middle and high schools in implementing a coordinated response to the suicide death of a student. The toolkit was developed in collaboration with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and in consultation with national experts, including school-based administrators and staff, clinicians, researchers, and crisis response professionals. It is designed primarily for administrators and staff but can also be useful for parents and communities.

Download the toolkit»

New NCTSN Resource: Training Toolkit for Providers

March 20, 2018 | Emily Taylor

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) has released The Road to Recovery: Supporting Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Who Have Experienced Trauma (IDD Toolkit) . Available for free download, the training has information for providers on how to work with children and families who are living with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) who have experienced trauma. The IDD toolkit includes six modules designed to be completed in a single day or in a series.

Create a free account on the NCTSN Learning Center site to access the training»

Child Trends Research: The Prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences, Nationally, by State, and by Race or Ethnicity

March 15, 2018 | Emily Taylor

Using data from the 2016 National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) and U.S. Census Bureau data on race/ethnicity, this Child Trends brief compares the prevalence of eight specific ACEs across states.

Read the Child Trends brief on ACEs»

NCTSN Policy Brief: Intimate Partner Violence and Child Trauma

January 19, 2018 | Emily Taylor

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) has published a policy brief on Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and its impact on children. The brief summarizes research on the subject, including a study published in 2011 that showed one in 15 children reported witnessing violence in the home between parents in the last year. The brief also details the negative short and long term impact this exposure can have on children, and outlines recommendations for policy makers on supporting early intervention programs.

Read the policy brief»

New York Times Opinion Page: The ‘Problem Child’ Is a Child, Not a Problem

October 25, 2017 | Emily Taylor

In this recent piece from the Opinion page of The New York Times, author and developmental psychologist, Suzanne Bouffard describes the repercussions caused by school discipline over behavioral issues in young children. According to the article, “nearly 1 in 10 preschoolers is suspended or expelled for behavior problems”. The article details the promising results found using Collaborative Problem Solving (C.P.S.) to teach self-regulation skills.

How ‘Sesame Street’ is helping kids learn to cope with trauma

October 6, 2017 | Emily Taylor

Sesame Street in Communities has released a new set of free materials designed to help young children and their families deal with trauma. The online resources include videos of the beloved Sesame Street Muppets focused on coping strategies and strengthening children’s natural resilience. The launch was timed with the release of new analysis of the 2016 National Survey of Children’s Health indicating that nearly half of American children experience adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). While these experiences have been shown to have a negative impact during childhood and into adulthood, responsive care can help minimize that impact.

Read the NPR article on the Sesame Street in Communities resources»

Access the Sesame Street materials on coping with trauma»

Research: Psychological Impacts of Natural Disasters on Youth

October 2, 2017 | Emily Taylor

Researchers looked at how to identify children who need support services after natural disasters. They screened 327 children aged 7-11 who were in the path of Hurricane Ike in 2008. Researchers found that the preschool definition of PTSD helped identify children more effectively than the adult-based definition. The researchers also created a workbook for families to help their children cope after a hurricane.

Read more about the research»

Download the After the Storm: A Guide to help Children Cope with the Psychological Effects of a Hurricane workbook»

Research: Home-Based Parent Child Therapy for Young Traumatized Children Living In Poverty

August 9, 2017 | Emily Taylor

“Home-Based Parent Child Therapy for Young Traumatized Children Living in Poverty: A Randomized Control Trial” published in the Journal for Child & Adolescent Trauma (June 2017) details a randomized control trial that evaluated the effectiveness of a home-based, parent-and-child therapy program specifically developed for toddlers and preschoolers living in poverty with trauma symptoms. The authors conclude that the results support the value of early intervention of children with trauma symptoms.

Read the article abstract»