Trauma Archives - Page 7 of 7 - National Wraparound Initiative (NWI)

Counsel or Criminalize? Why Students of Color Need Supports, Not Suspensions

October 12, 2016 | Emily Taylor

This report from the Center for American Progress outlines issues facing students of color, including greater likelihood of traumatic experiences and poverty, lack of school-based services and “higher incidence of suspension, expulsion, and even contact with law enforcement.” The report also provides policy recommendations to address these issues.

Read the report on the need for improved mental health supports in schools»

New Training Guidelines from National Child Traumatic Stress Network

September 27, 2016 | Emily Taylor

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) has shared new training resources on a variety of empirically supported treatments and promising practices. This collection of videos and documents includes information on trauma-informed interventions and therapy for children and families.

Access the NCTSN training resources on trauma intervnetions and treatment»

New Help Kids Cope App for Emergency Preparedness

September 20, 2016 | Emily Taylor

A new “Help Kids Cope” app is designed to help parents learn what to do before, during and after various disasters, to be prepared and to support children in the event of an emergency. Help Kids Cope by UCLA, with funding from Missouri Foundation for Health, Ozark Center, SAMHSA and HHS, is available for free download from Google Play and iTunes.

Learn more about the Help Kids Cope App»

Policing the Teenage Brain

September 12, 2016 | Emily Taylor

In this Atlantic interview, Lisa Thurau, founder and executive director of Strategies for Youth discusses the positive impact of their training program for police on youth mental health. In Cambridge, the program led to a 65 percent decline in juvenile arrests and an 80 percent decline in runaways.

Read the article about the benefits of training police on youth mental health issues»

The Need for Trauma-Informed Care

July 29, 2016 | Emily Taylor

In this article, Beverly Tobiason Psy.D., clinical director at Pima County Juvenile Court Center in Tucson, Arizona, describes something she’s seen frequently in her work: a diagnostic disconnect between trauma experiences and disruptive behavior disorders.

Read the article on providing trauma-informed care»

Resource: National Child Traumatic Stress Network Treatment and Intervention Fact Sheets

April 21, 2016 | Emily Taylor

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network has released a set of “Training Guidelines” for interventions to treat a variety of child traumatic stress including Trauma Focused-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools and Parent-Child Interaction Therapy. The new guidelines describe what training is recommended or required to provide, supervise, or train others in each model as well as how to communicate information about interventions to assist agencies in making decisions about their training needs.

Access the fact sheets here >>.

Witnessing Violence Harms Children’s Mental Health

March 30, 2016 | Emily Taylor

In this article, Daniel J. Flannery, Professor and Director of the Begun Center for Violence Prevention Research and Education, Case Western Reserve University and Mark I. Singer, Professor of Family and Child Welfare, Case Western University, highlight study results on the negative impact of exposure to violence on children’s mental health. For example, high levels of exposure to violence (either as witness or victim) as children has been connected to greater levels of depression, anger and anxiety, as well as greater desensitization to violence.

Read the article online >>

Beyond trauma-informed care training for child welfare workers

August 11, 2015 | NWI

This article reviews current efforts to train child welfare workers in trauma-informed practices and argues that trauma informed care adaptation and training must transcend case workers and supervisors in order for true systemic change to occur.

Read the full text online today!

Sexual Abuse to Prison Pipeline

July 17, 2015 |

As many as 80 percent of the girls in some states’ juvenile justice systems have a history of sexual or physical abuse, according to a report released Thursday. The report, a rare examination of their plight, recommends that girls who have been sexually trafficked no longer be arrested on prostitution charges.

Read the NYT article >>

Access the full report

Improving practices by understanding the effects of childhood stress

May 12, 2015 |

Numerous studies have concluded that childhood trauma is an all-too-common experience. Moreover, traumatic stress can have lasting impacts on health outcomes. This article, from the Juvenile Justice Exchange, seeks to translate knowledge about trauma into practices that improve results.

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