Tools and Resources Archives - Page 3 of 10 - National Wraparound Initiative (NWI)
“Woebot” Chatbot Helps Reduce Anxiety and Depression
January 15, 2021 | NWI
Developed by Stanford University, the Woebot AI chatbot app, which delivers Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for young people, has shown that it does improve mental health. In just two weeks, users reported a 22% reduction in their symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Black Suicidality and Mental Health #BlackLivesMatter
June 13, 2020 | Maria Hermsen-Kritz
This blog post breaks down some of the factors that go into rates of black suicide among young people, lists some organizations working specifically on Black mental health and provides resources for further education.
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AAP outlines needs of youths in justice system including during pandemic
May 7, 2020 | Maria Hermsen-Kritz
New guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics on “Responding to the Needs of Youth Involved With the Justice System During the COVID-19 Pandemic.”
Read here»
With Senior Year In Disarray, Teens And Young Adults Feel Lost. Here’s How To Help
April 20, 2020 | Maria Hermsen-Kritz
Tips and guidance from child-serving mental health professionals on how to support young people dealing with grief and disappointment due to missing developmental milestones, such as prom and graduation, during the coronavirus pandemic.
Read/listen here»
Coronavirus and Parenting: What You Need to Know Now
March 13, 2020 | Maria Hermsen-Kritz
This article from NPR covers all the bases of talking to your kids about the Coronavirus, from “How do I get them to stop touching their faces?!” to “With racist incidents toward Asians and Asian Americans, is this a teaching moment for social justice?”
Child Trends Brief: Applying the Research and Evaluation Provisions of the Family First Prevention Services Act
November 19, 2019 | Emily Taylor
Child Trends has published a brief with information for state agencies, legislators, and researchers on the Family First Act. The brief outlines research and evaluation requirements for prevention and kinship services currently eligible for federal reimbursement under the Family First Act.
2019 Children’s Mental Health Report: Social Media, Gaming and Mental Health
October 16, 2019 | Emily Taylor
The Child Mind Institute’s “2019 Children’s Mental Health Report: Social Media, Gaming and Mental Health” is intended to help parents, professionals and policymakers better understand the online lives of children and adolescents. The report includes information on the positive and negative mental health effects of online activities and provides guidelines for social media and internet use.
How Coaching Boosts Family Engagement
June 11, 2019 | Emily Taylor
This brief from the Global Family Research Project describes some of the results of the Family and Community Technical Assistance (FACE-TA) project’s TA to Early Head Start sites in California. The brief includes short case studies highlighting the changes implemented as a result of the TA, such as including families in the planning of family engagement activities.
New Spanish Language Resource for Parents from NIMH
May 14, 2019 | Emily Taylor
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has published a Spanish version of their brochure, “Children and Mental Health: Is This Just a Stage?”
This resource is designed to help families and caregivers identify symptoms, treatment options and resources to help their children.
Child Trends Brief: How to Implement Trauma-Informed Care to Build Resilience to Childhood Trauma
May 13, 2019 | Emily Taylor
A recent Child Trends brief summarizes current research on childhood trauma and outlines a framework for implementing trauma-informed care in programs and services for children and families.