Early Childhood Archives - Page 2 of 6 - National Wraparound Initiative (NWI)
Research: How to Protect Babies from Trauma Before it Happens
August 21, 2019 | Emily Taylor
This article discusses the work of The JPB Research Network on Toxic Stress, a multi-university group of researchers working to develop measures to identify children’s relative vulnerability to stress, in hopes of allowing for earlier intervention and prevention.
Study: Possible Genetic Link between Children’s Language and Mental Health
August 21, 2019 | Emily Taylor
A recent study led by the University of York found a possible genetic link between children with language disorders and poor mental health. The researchers analyzed genetic data from more than 5,000 children, clinical assessments on children’s language ability, and questionnaire responses from parents. The lead researcher, Umar Toseeb, said, “If our findings are confirmed in future work, it could mean that, rather than wait for children with developmental language disorder to show symptoms of poor mental health before intervening, mental health support is put in place as soon as language difficulties become apparent, as a preventative measure.”
Research on New Approach to Reduce Stress in Parents and Children
July 10, 2019 | Emily Taylor
Two recent studies led by Philip Fisher at the University of Oregon Center for Translational Neuroscience focus on combining neuroscience, psychology and biology to address childhood mental health. One study used video-coaching to help caregivers recognize child-supportive behavior and the other looks at the relationship between oxidative stress and psychological disorders in children.
How Coaching Boosts Family Engagement
June 11, 2019 | Emily Taylor
This brief from the Global Family Research Project describes some of the results of the Family and Community Technical Assistance (FACE-TA) project’s TA to Early Head Start sites in California. The brief includes short case studies highlighting the changes implemented as a result of the TA, such as including families in the planning of family engagement activities.
NIMH Children and Mental Health Resource Available in Spanish
April 9, 2019 | Emily Taylor
A Spanish version of NIMH’s Children and Mental Health brochure,”Los niños y la salud mental,” is now available online. This resource on children’s mental health includes information for parents and other caregivers on when to seek help, evaluation, treatment, choosing a mental health professional and advice on how to work a child’s school as well as other resources.
The State of Babies Yearbook 2019
March 14, 2019 | Emily Taylor
Research published last month by Child Trends and Zero to Three compiles and examines more than 60 policies and indicators related to infant and toddler well-being to rank states by how effectively they support children during their first three years.
Childhood Social-Emotional Functioning Linked To Early-Onset Mental Health Conditions
March 5, 2019 | Emily Taylor
Research published in JAMA Network Open looked at a group of more than 34,000 children in British Columbia, Canada from birth to age 14. The researchers found a correlation between teacher-ratings for social-emotional challenges at kindergarten and physician-assessed mental health conditions by age 14. The researchers recommend further studies on preventative interventions in the early school years.
Parent Survey Shows One in 40 Children in U.S. Receive Autism Diagnoses
November 27, 2018 | Emily Taylor
An analysis of parent survey data for about 43,000 children aged 3-17 from the 2016 National Survey of Children’s Health showed that 2.5 percent of parents reported their child had received a diagnosis of autism. In addition, parents of children with autism were 44 percent more likely to report difficulty getting their children needed mental health treatment.
Research: How Early Head Start Prevents Child Maltreatment
November 1, 2018 | Emily Taylor
Child Trends has published a research-to-practice brief on a study on the role of programs that serve families with infants and toddlers like Early Head Start (EHS) in reducing child abuse and neglect. The study found that participating families had positive short-term outcomes that led to lower risk of child welfare involvement in the future. The brief also includes recommendations for early childhood programs.
Child Trends: Poverty rate rising among America’s youngest children, particularly infants of color
September 18, 2018 | Emily Taylor
Child Trends recently posted on the latest US Census results which show that one in five infants and toddlers (19.9 percent of children through age two) were living in poverty in 2017. The poverty rate is higher among infants and toddlers of color for the same time period, with nearly one in three (32.7 percent) of black infants and toddlers living in poverty, and more than one in four (27.3 percent) of Hispanic infants and toddlers living in poverty. The authors urge for policy and practice solutions to address this issue.