Early Childhood Archives - Page 3 of 6 - National Wraparound Initiative (NWI)

Making the preschool magic last as children get older

August 29, 2018 | Emily Taylor

This article from Hechinger Report profiles the success of Christopher House, a nonprofit in Chicago that runs a charter elementary school and several preschools. From the preschool on, Christopher House focuses on supporting the needs of the entire family. Based on the academic performance of its students, the approach is successful.

Read more about schools providing intensive family support»

Casey Foundation’s 2018 Kids Count Data Book

July 9, 2018 | Emily Taylor

The Casey Foundation has published its 2018 Kids Count Data Book, with the latest data national and state data measuring key indicators of children’s well-being: economic well-being, education, health, and family / community. Nationally, the results from 2016 were improved compared to the results from 2010 in the areas of economic and education well-being, while the results were more mixed in the health and family/community areas.

Learn more about the results and order your free copy of the 2018 Kids Count Data Book»

Child Trends Research: The Prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences, Nationally, by State, and by Race or Ethnicity

March 15, 2018 | Emily Taylor

Using data from the 2016 National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) and U.S. Census Bureau data on race/ethnicity, this Child Trends brief compares the prevalence of eight specific ACEs across states.

Read the Child Trends brief on ACEs»

NCTSN Policy Brief: Intimate Partner Violence and Child Trauma

January 19, 2018 | Emily Taylor

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) has published a policy brief on Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and its impact on children. The brief summarizes research on the subject, including a study published in 2011 that showed one in 15 children reported witnessing violence in the home between parents in the last year. The brief also details the negative short and long term impact this exposure can have on children, and outlines recommendations for policy makers on supporting early intervention programs.

Read the policy brief»

Making the Grade: A Progress Report and Next Steps for Integrated Student Supports

December 8, 2017 | Emily Taylor

Child Trends has published a report on Integrated Student Supports (ISS) initiatives which help schools connect children with needed services (housing, medical care, food assistance, etc.) in order to support their academic success. Making the Grade: A Progress Report and Next Steps for Integrated Student Supports is an update on the developments in the field since 2014, when Child Trends first published a report on the topic. This 2017 report includes details on the growing number of evaluation studies on these programs and examples of successful implementation in specific cities.

Read about the report»

New evidence that students’ beliefs about their brains drive learning

November 15, 2017 | Emily Taylor

Growth mindset, the belief that intelligence and talent can change, has been established by research as an important factor in student success. A new research report published this month by the Brookings Institute, looked into this further with data from five school districts in California that measure growth mindset for students in 3rd to 8th grade. The researchers found that
“traditionally under-served students… are less likely to hold a growth mindset”. The results also show that students from all groups with a growth mindset learned more in a year than similar students without a growth mindset.

Read more about the research»

Read the full report»

New York Times Opinion Page: The ‘Problem Child’ Is a Child, Not a Problem

October 25, 2017 | Emily Taylor

In this recent piece from the Opinion page of The New York Times, author and developmental psychologist, Suzanne Bouffard describes the repercussions caused by school discipline over behavioral issues in young children. According to the article, “nearly 1 in 10 preschoolers is suspended or expelled for behavior problems”. The article details the promising results found using Collaborative Problem Solving (C.P.S.) to teach self-regulation skills.

Research Shows Benefits of Online Parent Training for Young Children with ADHD

October 16, 2017 | Emily Taylor

Research published recently in The Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology found positive benefits of online parent training on behavior therapy for children with ADHD. The study included 47 families in Pennsylvania with children 3-5 years old who met diagnostic criteria for ADHD. Families were randomly assigned to in-person parent education, online parent education or the wait-list control group. The study results showed that online training was similarly effective to the in-person training.

Read more about the research»

How ‘Sesame Street’ is helping kids learn to cope with trauma

October 6, 2017 | Emily Taylor

Sesame Street in Communities has released a new set of free materials designed to help young children and their families deal with trauma. The online resources include videos of the beloved Sesame Street Muppets focused on coping strategies and strengthening children’s natural resilience. The launch was timed with the release of new analysis of the 2016 National Survey of Children’s Health indicating that nearly half of American children experience adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). While these experiences have been shown to have a negative impact during childhood and into adulthood, responsive care can help minimize that impact.

Read the NPR article on the Sesame Street in Communities resources»

Access the Sesame Street materials on coping with trauma»

Research: Quality of Early Family Relationships Affects Children’s Mental Health

June 22, 2017 | Emily Taylor

Researchers from the Academy of Finland conducted a seven-year longitudinal study to investigate the impact that the transition to parenthood has on families and what effect early family relationships have on children’s emotional development. The study included 710 Finnish families during pregnancy, when the children were two months, and again at one year and middle childhood. Researchers identified various family types and found that problematic family types were tied to different emotional regulation problems in middle childhood.

Read more about the study»