Child Welfare Archives - Page 4 of 12 - National Wraparound Initiative (NWI)
Evidence for Culturally Specific/Responsive Programs in Child Welfare
January 21, 2022 | NWI
Children and families of color are disproportionately represented in the child welfare system. This brief provides an overview of 10 culturally specific and two culturally responsive programs and services designed by tribal communities and communities of color and the evidence for each.
Fear of Coming Out for LGBTQ+ Youth in Foster Care
November 14, 2021 | NWI
This editorial in USA Today argues that, for many LGBTQ+ young people living in foster care, celebrating their identity openly could have dire consequences. It is fear of these consequences that silences LGBTQ+ young people and creates an invisible population that is overrepresented in foster care.
Family First Planning and Implementation Toolkits
October 17, 2021 | NWI
These toolkits are designed to help jurisdictions capitalize on the opportunities provided under the Family First Prevention Services Act. Part 1 focuses on planning and readiness, and Part 2 focuses on implementation and change management.
Preventing Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare Involvement
September 12, 2021 | NWI
This report explores a variety of approaches to prevention, hoping to promote “upstream” efforts and work across systems and in partnership with youth, families and communities in a new and impactful manner.
Youth Experiences of Institutional Placements in Foster Care
September 12, 2021 | NWI
This report shares the stories and insights of youth with lived experience in foster care and institutional placements, and provides their perspectives on reforming or ending these living situations.
Washington State Moving Toward Abolishing Foster Care
July 10, 2021 | NWI
Poor outcomes and disproportionate impacts on kids of color have propelled a once-fringe idea into the mainstream in Washington state.
Growing Up in the Foster Care System
July 10, 2021 | NWI
A young adult who grew up in the foster care system describes her experiences and what helped her on her journey of healing in this opinion piece published in the San Diego Union-Tribune.
Race-Blind Decision Making Could Reduce Disparities in the Child Welfare System
April 18, 2021 | NWI
This article discusses results of an experiment by the Office of Child and Family Services in Nassau County, New York, to institute race-blind decision-making about removing children from their homes to reduce the overrepresentation of Black children in foster care.
Pandemic Expansion of Telehealth Has Improved Access for Kids in Child Welfare System: Report
February 8, 2021 | Maria Hermsen-Kritz
This report details the findings of a new survey out of New York, which shows that the expansion of telehealth, due to lifted restrictions since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, has resulted in better access to mental health care for families involved in the state’s child welfare system.
Coping With Holidays While Aging Out of Foster Care
January 15, 2021 | NWI
In this blog post, a former foster youth recalls holidays past and reflects on finding community when being with family isn’t a given.