News from the Field Related to Wraparound

Youth Leadership in Addressing the Mental Health Crisis

January 8, 2024

Members of Mental Health America’s Young Leaders Council have co-authored a report focusing on their ideas for improving young adult wellbeing nationwide. The report highlights the young leaders’ programs and advocacy, with the goal of expanding and replicating youth-led solutions to the mental health crisis.

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Toolkit Highlights Using Wraparound to Address Disparities in Child Welfare

January 8, 2024

This toolkit centers racial equity in family sustainability. The recommended approach includes high-fidelity Wraparound and focuses on prevention.

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Wellness Best Practices for Parent Peer Support Partners

January 8, 2024

This brief document outlines best practices, strategies and considerations for supervising parent peer support partners and promoting their wellness and self-care.

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Intervention Shows Success in Reducing Disparities in Suspension Rates

January 8, 2024

Despite attempts to eliminate bias from school discipline policies, Black students continue to receive harsher punishments than White students for the same infractions. A new intervention, known as empathic discipline, has led to dramatic improvements by encouraging teachers to cultivate a growth mindset and respond with empathy when students act out.

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Youth Perspectives on Designing Equitable Out-of-School-Time Programs

December 1, 2023

A youth-led research project provides an indication of how young people from marginalized communities may experience out-of-school-time programming, including that they are sometimes treated differently because of race, gender identity, or other factors.

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Research Documents the Importance of “Enduring Relationships” for Foster Youth

December 1, 2023

Enduring relationships have real consequences for foster youth, reducing the risk of negative outcomes in early adulthood, such as food insecurity, economic hardship, and homelessness. They were also more likely to experience positive outcomes, such as having greater earnings and finishing some college. Surprisingly, the number of individuals the youth said they had in their network was not a key factor. What mattered was the enduring quality of the relationships – people that stuck with them, through thick and thin, over a period of time.

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Child Mental Health Resources in Spanish

December 1, 2023

Mental Health America has updated its resource Para Los Padres y Los Jovenes, which includes a variety of information and tip sheets.

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When to Adapt: Evidence-Based Treatments for Children of Diverse Cultural Backgrounds

December 1, 2023

This Issue Brief describes what is known about making adaptations to behavioral health evidence-based treatments for diverse populations or children, and provides recommendations for clinicians on when and how to make these decisions.

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Bike Riding in Middle School May Boost Mental Health

October 30, 2023

Teaching middle schoolers bike riding skills as part of physical education classes may help improve their mental health. That’s according to a new study that looked at the effects of a 6-8 week cycling class taught in schools across the U.S.

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Youth Detention: Reversing Widening Gaps by Race and Place

October 30, 2023

This report discusses what the post-pandemic juvenile justice system looks like, how a young person’s racial identity affects their odds of being detained, how the risk of detainment for youth varies by location, and what juvenile justice systems can do to make better, safer and fairer decisions.

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