News from the Field Related to Wraparound
What Exactly Is Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)?
May 13, 2024
Generally, SEL means gaining skills and knowledge in areas like working with others to achieve a common goal, using emotional self-regulation, and maintaining healthy relationships. Students who participate in school-based SEL interventions experience significantly improved prosocial behaviors, academic achievement and peer relationships. This article draws out the connections between SEL and student mental health.
What Clinicians Think is Driving the Youth Mental Health Crisis
May 13, 2024
This brief describes findings from a survey of 1,400 clinicians regarding the reasons behind the national youth mental health crisis that continues to perplex government, health and community leaders.
Study Examines Rates of Mental Health Issues Among Children in Child Welfare Custody
April 8, 2024
A recent study of general hospital admissions among youth aged 12–17 years compared rates of mental health disorders among children who were in child welfare custody and a control group of children not in child welfare custody. The children and adolescents in the child welfare system had higher rates of problems across a wide variety of diagnoses.
Foster Care Disparities for Youth with Intellectual, Developmental Disabilities
April 8, 2024
A new study describes racial and gender disparities in foster care involvement among young people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Teen Behavior, Explained by a Neuroscientist
April 8, 2024
A researcher at Tufts School of Medicine explains how brain development – as well as current events – can influence decision-making in adolescence.
Giving Children a Voice in the Courtroom
April 8, 2024
Two locations in Virginia are piloting programs through the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges to improve the handling of child abuse and neglect cases, reduce the number of children in foster care and improve outcomes for children in care. The programs encourage children to attend court and share their own perspectives.
Family Money Problems Impact Teen Mental Health
April 8, 2024
New research shows that teens are acutely affected by economic conditions in their daily lives and understand their families’ circumstances. Family finances can vary over time, and the research found that when teenagers said their family was experiencing hardship, they were more likely to be depressed and to get in trouble at school.
Supporting Positive Youth Development in Any Setting
March 9, 2024
Decades of research have demonstrated that learning and development are fundamentally shaped by the quality of relationships and experiences in the settings where young people and adults interact. High-quality youth programs focus on the experiences that young people have in these settings. Adults can develop their practice to support learning and development more effectively by understanding the things they can do to create and support these high-quality experiences. This new report describes how.
Georgia Will Pay for Foster Care Rather Than Provide Housing Assistance
March 8, 2024
In more than 700 cases over five years, Georgia reported inadequate housing as the sole reason for taking a child into foster care, a recent analysis found. Advocates say it would be cheaper to help families get housing.
Residential Addiction Treatment for Adolescents Is Scarce and Expensive
March 8, 2024
Access to residential addiction treatment centers caring for U.S. adolescents under 18 years old in the United States is limited and costly, according to a new study supported by the National Institutes of Health. Researchers found that only about half of the residential addiction treatment facilities that they contacted had a bed immediately available. On average, the quoted cost of a month’s stay at a residential addiction treatment facility was over $26,000.