News from the Field Related to Wraparound

The National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day 2016 Report

October 13, 2016

SAMHSA has published the final report for the 2016 National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day. The report profiles some of the communities and organizations working to bring services and supports to children, youth, and young adults with behavioral health challenges, and features details on many of the Awareness Day events held around the country.

Access the 2016 National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day report»

Counsel or Criminalize? Why Students of Color Need Supports, Not Suspensions

October 12, 2016

This report from the Center for American Progress outlines issues facing students of color, including greater likelihood of traumatic experiences and poverty, lack of school-based services and “higher incidence of suspension, expulsion, and even contact with law enforcement.” The report also provides policy recommendations to address these issues.

Read the report on the need for improved mental health supports in schools»

New Brief from NASHP: Treatment for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and the EPSDT Benefit

October 12, 2016

The National Academy for State Health Policy’s brief, “Treatment for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and the EPSDT Benefit,” offers clarification on services for Medicaid-eligible children with ASD and, specifically, the expected adherence to the EPSDT benefit, along with examples of strategies currently being used by multiple states.

Access the brief on Autism Spectrum Disorders and the EPSDT benefit»

New KSOC-TV: Altering the Course: First Episode Psychosis Intervention

October 6, 2016

The most recent webisode of the Knowledge Network for Systems of Care TV (KSOC-TV) webcast focuses on first episode psychosis intervention. Hosted by Gary Blau and featuring expert guests, it provides valuable information and resources for providers, youth and families. Watch the episode on First Episode Psychosis Intervention»

TA Network Monthly Minute: SOC for Children with Co-Occuring Developmental and Behavioral Health Disorders

September 30, 2016

TA Network’s latest Monthly Minute video offers an overview of co-occurring developmental and behavioral health disorders and how systems of care can help. It includes relates resources and links to access additional information.

Watch the TA Network Monthly Minute video»

School Nurses Can Be Mental Health ‘Detectives’ But They Need Help

September 29, 2016

This NPR story, another from their recent series on mental health in the schools, looks at the special role school nurses can play in helping to identify potential mental health issues.

Read the article on school nurses and mental health»

6 Myths About Suicide That Every Educator And Parent Should Know

September 28, 2016

In this story from NPR’s recent series on mental health in the schools, David Jobes, of Catholic University’s Suicide Prevention Lab, debunks six myths about suicide with valuable information for parents and those who work with children.

Read the article on myths about suicide»

Mental Health In Schools: A Hidden Crisis Affecting Millions Of Students

September 27, 2016

The first in NPR’s recent series on children’s mental health in schools, this story outlines all of the people in children’s lives who could help to identify a potential mental health need, and the challenges faced by the adults in each of the roles. Read Part One in the NPR Ed series on mental health in schools»

New Training Guidelines from National Child Traumatic Stress Network

September 27, 2016

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) has shared new training resources on a variety of empirically supported treatments and promising practices. This collection of videos and documents includes information on trauma-informed interventions and therapy for children and families.

Access the NCTSN training resources on trauma intervnetions and treatment»

Viewpoint: How Can We Address The Psychiatrist Shortage?

September 22, 2016

In this viewpoint piece, Gil Noam argues for the need to reach children through the school system for effective early detection and intervention of mental health concerns. He advocates the implementation of a “targeted prevention and intervention approach” similar to that used for physical and dental health.

Read the viewpoint piece on meeting the mental health needs of children and youth»

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