News from the Field Related to Wraparound

Depression rates growing among adolescents, particularly girls

December 7, 2016

Research from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health published last month in the journal Pediatrics shows an increase of 37 percent in the rate of adolescents reporting clinical depression from 2005-2014. The rate of teenage girls reporting an episode of clinical depression during the previous year increased from 13.1 percent in 2005 to 17.3 percent in 2014.

Read more about research on rates of depression»

KSOC-TV: The Role of Psychotropic Medication in Children’s Mental Health

December 5, 2016

The latest KSOC-TV webcast is now available online featuring a discussion on the role psychotropic medication should have in children’s mental health.

Watch the KSOC-TV webcast»

PTSD can persist for years in kids, but parents may not see it

December 2, 2016

A recent research published last month in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry on PTSD in parents and children evaluated post-trauma stress of parents and their children following a car accident requiring a hospital visit. Researchers found that for a percentage of children, PTSD symptoms persisted and when parents were also suffering from PTSD symptoms they were less likely to be aware of their childrens’ ongoing concerns.

Read about the research on PTSD in famillies»

Latest KSOC-TV Episode Available: Diverting to Treatment: Community Policing and Supporting Youth with Mental Health Needs

November 30, 2016

The latest episode of KSOC-TV (Knowledge Network for Systems of Care TV), SAMHSA’s web-based technical assistance program featuring behavioral health experts, is available now. “Diverting to Treatment: Community Policing and Supporting Youth with Mental Health Needs” explores the changing role of law enforcement in supporting youth and young adults with mental health needs.

Watch the discussion on law enforcement supporting youth and young adults with mental health needs&raquo:

Emerging Research: Can Mental Illness Be Prevented In The Womb?

November 21, 2016

Story about emerging research investigating potential impact of prenatal supplement of B vitamin choline for the future mental health. Multiple researchers in the field agree the subject deserves additional study.

Read about the research into benefits of prenatal choline supplements for mental health»

UMSSW Awarded Grant to Improve Placement and Stability for LGBTQ Children and Youth in Foster Care

November 21, 2016

The Institute for Innovation and Implementation, at the University of Maryland School of Social Work (UMSSW), has entered into a cooperative agreement to establish a National Quality Improvement Center on Tailored Services, Placement Stability, and Permanency for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Children and Youth in Foster Care (LGBTQ QIC). This project will work with state child welfare systems, to implement promising and evidence-based practices that improve placement stability, well-being, and permanency. Interventions will be designed to enhance staff, caregiver, and provider knowledge, skills, and competency in providing safe, affirming, and supportive environments for LGBTQ youth in foster care.

Read about the grant-funded project focused on improving supports for LGBTQ children in foster care»

NCTSN Resources on Community Violence

November 18, 2016

NCTSN has created two resources for youth about community violence. “Violent Places, Dangerous Times: Does Community Violence Control Your Life?” is a 1-page checklist to help youth assess the violence in their lives and communities. “Community Violence: Reactions and Actions in Dangerous Times” is a fact sheet for youth on protecting themselves from community violence.

Access the checklist on community violence»

And the fact sheet on staying safe»

Resource: NASP Guidance for Reinforcing Safe, Supportive and Positive School Environments for All Students

November 15, 2016

The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) has provided guidance to help schools to reinforce safe, positive and supportive environments for all students.

Access the NASP guidance for reinforcing safe school environments»

How Gaps In Mental Health Care Play Out In Emergency Rooms

November 14, 2016

Recent research compared data on emergency room visits for people with physical ailments and those with mental health conditions and found that those with mental health conditions were in the ER longer and were more often admitted to the hospital. Researchers said that for psychiatric patients coming to the ER in a crisis, it’s difficult for hospitals to refer them for continued treatment. Children are among those most impacted due to lack of child psychiatrists.

Read the article on gaps in mental health care»

Part 2 in the Atlantic Series on Mental Health and Education

November 9, 2016

The second installment in the Atlantic’s recent series on education and mental health discusses some of the training programs being used around the country to help teachers better identify potential mental health issues and help refer students to services.

Read the article on mental health training for educators»

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