News from the Field Related to Wraparound
AAP outlines needs of youths in justice system including during pandemic
May 7, 2020
New guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics on “Responding to the Needs of Youth Involved With the Justice System During the COVID-19 Pandemic.”
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Older Foster Youth Can Feel Unprepared to Navigate Mental Health Care, Study Finds
April 23, 2020
A new study published by the Journal of Adolescent Health found that a high percentage of foster teens do not feel prepared to manage their own mental health upon entering adulthood, despite high rates of medication and mental health service use.
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California Rolls Out Plan to Prevent Youth from Aging Out of Foster Care During Pandemic
April 22, 2020
California’s Gov. Newsom joined Illinois and Rhode Island in laying out a plan to prevent young people currently on extended foster care services from aging out during the pandemic.
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With Senior Year In Disarray, Teens And Young Adults Feel Lost. Here’s How To Help
April 20, 2020
Tips and guidance from child-serving mental health professionals on how to support young people dealing with grief and disappointment due to missing developmental milestones, such as prom and graduation, during the coronavirus pandemic.
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Mental health experts race to help children cope with stay-at-home life amid coronavirus closures
April 10, 2020
How providers are responding to the difficulties posed by Coronavirus-related closures and adapting their interventions to new virtual platforms, and tackling the associated challenges
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Coronavirus and Parenting: What You Need to Know Now
March 13, 2020
This article from NPR covers all the bases of talking to your kids about the Coronavirus, from “How do I get them to stop touching their faces?!” to “With racist incidents toward Asians and Asian Americans, is this a teaching moment for social justice?”
Thousands of Foster Children Were Sent Out of State to Mental Health Facilities Where Some Faced Abuse and Neglect
March 13, 2020
ProPublica, in collaboration with the Chicago Tribune, takes a deep dive into the practice of sending foster children out of state for foster care, and the unchecked abuse and neglect these young people often faced hundreds of miles away from their homes and supports.
Screen Time and the Mental Health of Children
March 9, 2020
Researchers studying the results of questionnaires filled out by thousands of children ages 9 to 11 and their parents have found associations between electronic media use and mental health, although they say the magnitude of the impact they measured is statistically small.
Report: Justice-involved youth experience mental and psychological challenges
March 9, 2020
This article covers new research on the intersections of juvenile justice involvement and mental health.
Three Better Ways to Support Foster Youth than Extending Care to 26
March 9, 2020
An alumni of the foster care system discusses his changing views on a California bill which would extend the state’s optional foster care system for young adults through age 25.