News from the Field Related to Wraparound

Social Media Use May Change Adolescents’ Brains

March 10, 2023

A new study using neuroimaging suggests that adolescents who are heavy users of social media may become hypersensitive to feedback from peers.

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Engagement in Enjoyable Activities Promotes Mental Health

March 10, 2023

A new systematic research review finds that interventions that promote youth and young adult participation in pleasurable activities has positive impacts on symptoms of depression and anxiety; and that such interventions may be developmentally well-suited to address young people’s mental health problems.

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Can Digital Tools Alleviate Youth Mental Health Crisis?

March 10, 2023

Mental health services are under an unprecedented strain. Virtual therapy sessions and mental health apps are emerging to fill the gap.

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Tablet-Based Screening Doubles Detection of Youth Psychosis

March 10, 2023

Asking young people to take a short survey on a tablet before their appointments may help mental health providers identify those at risk of psychosis. A new study found that when patients took a 21-question pre-visit survey, more than twice as many were identified at risk of psychosis compared to those who did not complete the survey.

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Wilderness Therapy: The Bad and the Good

January 28, 2023

More than 120,000 teens in the US enter behavioral modification programs every year – but not all their methods are helpful. In this article, a young adult reflects on their experiences – both bad and good – with wilderness therapy.

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Gaming May Help Cognitive Performance

January 27, 2023

A study of nearly 2,000 children found that those who reported playing video games for three hours per day or more performed better on cognitive skills tests involving impulse control and working memory compared to children who had never played video games.

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Brief Intervention Strategies Hold Promise

January 27, 2023

Brief interventions, some as short as a single session, are a promising strategy to better match many families’ needs and help address the increasing number of children with behavioral health concerns amidst the behavioral health workforce crisis.

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ACES Screen Increases Service Uptake

January 27, 2023

Screening for adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) increases the reception of behavioral health services among children and adolescents, according to a recent study.

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Exercise Effective Against Depression

January 27, 2023

Intervening with physical activity appears to mitigate depressive symptoms in children and adolescents, a systematic review and meta-analysis of almost 2,500 participants found.

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Research Shows Music Benefits Mental Health

December 11, 2022

A meta-analysis of music interventions provided clear and quantitative moderate-quality evidence that music interventions are associated with clinically significant changes in mental health.

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