Tools and Resources Archives - Page 4 of 10 - National Wraparound Initiative (NWI)

Report: Success Plans – Promising Tools for Customizing Student Supports and Opportunities

April 25, 2019 | Emily Taylor

A report published this month by the Harvard Graduate School of Education’s Education Redesign Lab, focuses on Student Success Plans, a personalized tool for “capturing the full range of strengths and needs of children and youth in order to connect them with tailored, seamless, and equitable services and opportunities”. Along with the authors’ vision for Success Plans and recommendations for stakeholders, the report includes an overview of the emergence of personalized learning strategies and plans. There is also a companion toolkit for communities interested in creating and implementing Success Plans.

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NIMH Children and Mental Health Resource Available in Spanish

April 9, 2019 | Emily Taylor

A Spanish version of NIMH’s Children and Mental Health brochure,”Los niños y la salud mental,” is now available online. This resource on children’s mental health includes information for parents and other caregivers on when to seek help, evaluation, treatment, choosing a mental health professional and advice on how to work a child’s school as well as other resources.

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Texting and Social Media Help Children of Divorced Parents Stay in Touch

March 15, 2019 | Emily Taylor

Recent research looked at how parent-child relationships are affected by different types of co-parenting after divorce. The researchers identified three styles of co-parenting: cooperative;moderately engaged; and conflicted. They also looked at specific aspects of the parent-child relationship: parental warmth and closeness; parental knowledge of the child; and consistency of discipline. They found that the relationship between the parents was less important than the amount of contact between parent and child. For older children and teens, the use of texting and social media facilitates the direct contact between child and parent when they live apart.

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Trauma-Informed Schools Terms Dictionary from Connecticut

March 6, 2019 | Emily Taylor

Connecticut’s Trauma-Informed School Mental Health Task Force created “Developing a Common Language in Connecticut: A Dictionary of Terms Related to Trauma-Informed Schools” to address the need for a common language for school-based practitioners, community-based providers and state government stakeholders to use. They followed the structure used in the “Glossary of Terms Related to Trauma-Informed, Integrated Healthcare,” published by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network in 2018.

Access the new resource from Connecticut»

Youth Suicide Screening

January 16, 2019 | Emily Taylor

A report published online in September 2018 in Psychosomatics, “Suicide Risk Screening in Pediatric Hospitals: Clinical Pathways to Address a Global Health Crisis,” authored in part by researchers at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), offers guidance on implementation of suicide risk screening in medical settings. According to an NIMH news release about the report, “studies have found that a majority of youth who died by suicide visited a health care provider or medical setting in the month prior” to their deaths. The report outlines a clinical pathway model, which includes using an NIMH-IRP screening tool with all youth.

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Federal Commission on School Safety Resource Guide

January 16, 2019 | Emily Taylor

The Federal Commission on School Safety issued a 177-page report on school safety in December. Based on months of research including site visits to successful programs and expert testimony, the report offers findings and recommendations in three sections: Prevent; Protect & Mitigate, and Respond & Recover. The Prevent section includes recommendations on incorporating mental health programs in schools with details on existing programs and research based practices.

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SOAR Online Course Available

December 5, 2018 | Emily Taylor

The SOAR Online Course: Child Curriculum, launched by SAMHSA and Policy Research Associates, Inc., is designed to train case managers to assist children and youth who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness and have a serious mental illness, medical impairment, and/or a co-occurring substance use disorder to apply for the Social Security Administration’s disability program, Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

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Mobile Crisis Services Effective in Reducing ER Visits

October 16, 2018 | Emily Taylor

A new brief from the Child Health and Development Institute of Connecticut summarizes a study on the impact of the state’s Mobile Crisis Intervention Services youth mental health on emergency department visits. Connecticut’s mobile crisis services are available statewide free of charge for youth up to age 18 (or 19, if still enrolled in school) and provide on-site crisis stabilization, a psycho-social assessment, brief treatment, and linkage to follow-up. For the study, data from the mobile crisis records was compared with Medicaid claims data for similar youth with behavioral health conditions who had not used mobile crisis services. For the follow-up period of 18 months, the group that used mobile crisis services demonstrated a 25% reduction in risk of subsequent emergency department visits compared to the other group.

Read the brief and link to full report>>

Casey Foundation’s 2018 Kids Count Data Book

July 9, 2018 | Emily Taylor

The Casey Foundation has published its 2018 Kids Count Data Book, with the latest data national and state data measuring key indicators of children’s well-being: economic well-being, education, health, and family / community. Nationally, the results from 2016 were improved compared to the results from 2010 in the areas of economic and education well-being, while the results were more mixed in the health and family/community areas.

Learn more about the results and order your free copy of the 2018 Kids Count Data Book»