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Why foster care students in Seattle are beating the odds

January 4, 2018 | Emily Taylor

NPR recently profiled the success of Treehouse, a nonprofit dedicated to improving lives of foster youth, in their efforts to increase high school graduation rates. In 2010, the high school graduation rate for youth in foster care in Seattle and King County, Washington was 36 percent. In 2012, Treehouse started assigning “education specialists” who work with students to support them in identifying and reaching their goals. Last year, 89 percent of the eligible students in the Treehouse program graduated within five years.

Read more about the Treehouse program»

Making the Grade: A Progress Report and Next Steps for Integrated Student Supports

December 8, 2017 | Emily Taylor

Child Trends has published a report on Integrated Student Supports (ISS) initiatives which help schools connect children with needed services (housing, medical care, food assistance, etc.) in order to support their academic success. Making the Grade: A Progress Report and Next Steps for Integrated Student Supports is an update on the developments in the field since 2014, when Child Trends first published a report on the topic. This 2017 report includes details on the growing number of evaluation studies on these programs and examples of successful implementation in specific cities.

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Parent Perspectives from Participating in a Family Component for CBITS

December 4, 2017 | Emily Taylor

Research published last year in Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy explores parents’ responses to a family component developed as an addition to the Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS). Results from qualitative interviews conducted with 15 low-income, Latino parents, showed a high level of satisfaction with the family component. The article includes clinical implications for implementing culturally sensitive, school-based interventions with parents


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New evidence that students’ beliefs about their brains drive learning

November 15, 2017 | Emily Taylor

Growth mindset, the belief that intelligence and talent can change, has been established by research as an important factor in student success. A new research report published this month by the Brookings Institute, looked into this further with data from five school districts in California that measure growth mindset for students in 3rd to 8th grade. The researchers found that
“traditionally under-served students… are less likely to hold a growth mindset”. The results also show that students from all groups with a growth mindset learned more in a year than similar students without a growth mindset.

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New York Times Opinion Page: The ‘Problem Child’ Is a Child, Not a Problem

October 25, 2017 | Emily Taylor

In this recent piece from the Opinion page of The New York Times, author and developmental psychologist, Suzanne Bouffard describes the repercussions caused by school discipline over behavioral issues in young children. According to the article, “nearly 1 in 10 preschoolers is suspended or expelled for behavior problems”. The article details the promising results found using Collaborative Problem Solving (C.P.S.) to teach self-regulation skills.

Research Brief: Benefits of Schools Conducting Assessment of Children’s Mental Health Services

August 28, 2017 | Emily Taylor

AIR (American Institutes for Research) has published a brief on the benefits of having schools assess current mental health programs and services for children. It outlines the recommended steps to conducting an assessment and other resources for schools to consider.

Read the brief on assessing school mental health programs»

Research: School Exclusion Linked to Long-Term Mental Health Problems

August 23, 2017 | Emily Taylor

A recent article in The Guardian focused on a research study being published in Psychological Medicine, that looked at the impact of school exclusion, or suspension, on long term mental health. Researchers analyzed child and adolescent mental health surveys collected by England’s Department of Health, of more than 5,000 children, their parents and teachers. The study found a “bi-directional association” between psychological distress and exclusion.

Read The Guardian article»

Research: School-Based Mental Health Programs Effective

August 21, 2017 | Emily Taylor

A research review published in the September/October 2017 issue of Harvard Review of Psychiatry analyzed school-based mental health programs with data on specific mental health outcomes of large scale implementations. The researchers found that the available research shows “‘moderate to strong’ evidence that these interventions are effective in promoting good mental health and related outcomes”.

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Data on Student Homelessness

August 18, 2017 | Emily Taylor

In a recent blog post, the National Center for Education Statistics shared data from two recent reports on student homelessness in urban, rural, and suburban settings. For these reports, homeless students are defined as “children/youth who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence”. In 2014-15, the highest percentage of homeless students was in cities, 578,000 students, 3.7 percent, but the percentage was also 2.0 or higher in suburban, rural and town districts.

Access the data on homeless students»

How Multi-Sector Health Partnerships Evolve

August 15, 2017 | Emily Taylor

This recent post from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Culture of Health Blog, focuses on how partnerships across sectors – including public health, housing, education, transportation and others – evolve and help create healthy communities. It includes examples of such successful partnerships and links to data on outlining the phases, challenges and opportunities characteristic to these efforts.

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