News from the Field Archives - Page 38 of 48 - National Wraparound Initiative (NWI)
NCTSN Resources on Community Violence
November 18, 2016 | Emily Taylor
NCTSN has created two resources for youth about community violence. “Violent Places, Dangerous Times: Does Community Violence Control Your Life?” is a 1-page checklist to help youth assess the violence in their lives and communities. “Community Violence: Reactions and Actions in Dangerous Times” is a fact sheet for youth on protecting themselves from community violence.
Resource: NASP Guidance for Reinforcing Safe, Supportive and Positive School Environments for All Students
November 15, 2016 | Emily Taylor
The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) has provided guidance to help schools to reinforce safe, positive and supportive environments for all students.
Access the NASP guidance for reinforcing safe school environments»
How Gaps In Mental Health Care Play Out In Emergency Rooms
November 14, 2016 | Emily Taylor
Recent research compared data on emergency room visits for people with physical ailments and those with mental health conditions and found that those with mental health conditions were in the ER longer and were more often admitted to the hospital. Researchers said that for psychiatric patients coming to the ER in a crisis, it’s difficult for hospitals to refer them for continued treatment. Children are among those most impacted due to lack of child psychiatrists.
Part 2 in the Atlantic Series on Mental Health and Education
November 9, 2016 | Emily Taylor
The second installment in the Atlantic’s recent series on education and mental health discusses some of the training programs being used around the country to help teachers better identify potential mental health issues and help refer students to services.
Children need to know stress is normal, not necessarily a mental health problem
November 7, 2016 | Emily Taylor
In this viewpoint piece, the author questions a trend he sees of “adopting a narrative of vulnerability” regarding children’s mental health and emotional issues that he says may teach children they can’t cope.
Clinician guide: Is it Child Traumatic Stress or ADHD?
November 3, 2016 | Emily Taylor
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) has published a guide to help distinguish ADHD from Child Traumatic Stress, which can have overlapping symptoms. The guide includes useful information for parents and caregivers, as well as clinician guidelines for diagnosing and treating ADHD and traumatic stress in children.
Children and Domestic Violence Fact Sheet Series
November 1, 2016 | Emily Taylor
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network has a Child and Domestic Violence fact sheet series available for parents whose children have been affected by domestic violence.
The New Focus on Children’s Mental Health
October 28, 2016 | Emily Taylor
This recent article in The Atlantic gives an overview of programs around the country designed to increase support for children’s mental health in schools, as well as recent related research.
Fact Sheet: Kinship Caregivers and the Child Welfare System
October 27, 2016 | Emily Taylor
A fact sheet available from the Child Welfare Information Gateway is designed for kinship caregivers–grandparents, aunts and uncles, other relatives, and family friends caring for children– with information on working effectively with the child welfare system. The fact sheet includes links to additional resources.
Infographic: A National Portrait of the Health and Education of Hispanic Boys and Young Men
October 26, 2016 | Emily Taylor
The National Research Center on Hispanic Children & Families has published an infographic providing an overview of the health and education of our country’s 12.5 million Hispanic boys and young men from birth to age 24.