News from the Field Archives - Page 16 of 46 - National Wraparound Initiative (NWI)

Washington State Moving Toward Abolishing Foster Care

July 10, 2021 | NWI

Poor outcomes and disproportionate impacts on kids of color have propelled a once-fringe idea into the mainstream in Washington state.

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A Year Into COVID-19: Mental Health, Suicide, and Black Youth

July 10, 2021 | NWI

The suicide death rate has been increasing faster among Black youth and young adults than among other racial/ethnic groups. This report discusses why this might be happening, and possible responses.

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Growing Up in the Foster Care System

July 10, 2021 | NWI

A young adult who grew up in the foster care system describes her experiences and what helped her on her journey of healing in this opinion piece published in the San Diego Union-Tribune.

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Parenting in Racially and Culturally Diverse Adoptive Families

July 10, 2021 | NWI

This factsheet for families provides information to help families support their child in developing a healthy racial and cultural identity and live a vibrant multicultural life. It discusses the importance of examining thoughts and biases and preparing a child to live in a society where race has a major impact on individual lives.

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Best Practices for the Use of Psychotropics in Residential Treatment

June 13, 2021 | NWI

This report features findings from a three-year quality collaborative that focused on developing site-specific quality improvement goals to assure appropriate utilization of psychotropic medication during residential interventions.

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LGBTQ Youth Mental Health: Trevor Project Survey Highlights Disparities

June 13, 2021 | NWI

The Trevor Project — the world’s largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for young LGBTQ people — has published the results of its third annual national survey on the mental health of LGBTQ youth. The findings reveal the consequences of the ongoing pandemic and call for urgent policy solutions to curb a mental health crisis.

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Parents Searching for Mental Health Advice Online Can Breach Kids’ Privacy

June 13, 2021 | NWI

Since the onset of the pandemic, parents are more frequently sharing their children’s mental health problems in public online forums. Although parents’ intentions are good, sharing private information online risks damage to the parent-child relationship, which is one of the strongest pillars of childhood mental health.

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Disrupting the Impacts of Implicit Bias

June 13, 2021 | NWI

New studies confirm that people’s decisions and behavior are importantly influenced by biases they are not aware of. The best approach for interrupting implicit bias is likely not to try to extinguish individual biases — something research has demonstrated as difficult, if not impossible — but rather to keep those biases from shaping outcomes. Strategies for doing so are described in this article.

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Video Reviews Terminology Important When Working With LGBTQ+

June 13, 2021 | NWI

This educational animated short, created by the Center of Excellence on LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Equity, reviews basic terminology that is important to know when working with people who have diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, or expressions.

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Contribute to Understanding of Mental Health and Neuroscience While Playing Phone Games

May 9, 2021 | NWI

Brain Explorer is an app produced by neuroscientists from University College London (UCL). The app presents games exploring outer space and questionnaires that will help gather information about how the brain works and how it is linked to mood and behavior.

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