Mental Health Conditions Archives - Page 3 of 15 - National Wraparound Initiative (NWI)

Child Psychiatrist Questions Assumptions about Diagnosis and Treatment

February 24, 2022 | NWI

In this interview, Dr. Abi-Jaoude describes his interest in how social factors influence how we view the experiences of youth and in asking critical questions about some of psychiatry’s assumptions about diagnosis and treatment, particularly the influence of the pharmaceutical industry. He is coauthor of a journal article taking a second look at the research behind the famous Study 329, which found that certain psychiatric drugs did not improve teenagers’ depression symptoms better than no drugs, as had been claimed.

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What is Sensory Processing Disorder?

January 21, 2022 | NWI

Children who are deemed “sensitive” or “picky” might be struggling with a treatable condition.

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Single-Session Intervention Helps Teen Depression

January 21, 2022 | NWI

A study of more than 2,400 adolescents ages 13 to 16 shows that two online, single-session interventions designed to help curb teen depression are effective. This kind of tool is very much needed given a rise in teen depression and mental health workforce shortages during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Contribute to Understanding of Mental Health and Neuroscience While Playing Phone Games

May 9, 2021 | NWI

Brain Explorer is an app produced by neuroscientists from University College London (UCL). The app presents games exploring outer space and questionnaires that will help gather information about how the brain works and how it is linked to mood and behavior.

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Study Finds Psychiatric Disorders Persist 15 Years After Youth Are Detained

April 18, 2021 | NWI

A new study shows that youth arrested as juveniles with psychiatric disorders that remain untreated continue to struggle with mental health and successful outcomes well beyond adolescence. The research shows nearly two-thirds of males and more than one-third of females with one or more existing psychiatric disorders when they entered detention still had a disorder 15 years later.

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Inside Utah’s Troubled Teen Industry

December 2, 2020 | NWI

This investigative report from the Salt Lake Tribune details experiences of young people housed in residential treatment facilities across Utah.

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U.S. Parents Say COVID-19 Harming Child’s Mental Health

June 17, 2020 | Maria Hermsen-Kritz

This article looks at a recent Gallup Panel of parents that asked about the effects of school closures and social distancing on children’s mental health.

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Older Foster Youth Can Feel Unprepared to Navigate Mental Health Care, Study Finds

April 23, 2020 | Maria Hermsen-Kritz

A new study published by the Journal of Adolescent Health found that a high percentage of foster teens do not feel prepared to manage their own mental health upon entering adulthood, despite high rates of medication and mental health service use.

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Mental health experts race to help children cope with stay-at-home life amid coronavirus closures

April 10, 2020 | Maria Hermsen-Kritz

How providers are responding to the difficulties posed by Coronavirus-related closures and adapting their interventions to new virtual platforms, and tackling the associated challenges

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