Mental Health Conditions Archives - Page 2 of 15 - National Wraparound Initiative (NWI)

The Active Ingredients in Effective Interventions

December 11, 2022 | NWI

This two-part report summarizes what we’ve learned about the evidence for ‘active ingredients’ of effective interventions for youth anxiety and depression – these are the aspects of interventions that make a difference in preventing or managing anxiety and depression.

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Youth Depression Screening Does Not Prevent Hospitalizations or Suicide Attempts

August 7, 2022 | NWI

Guidelines in the US advocate for depression screening in adolescents in the hopes that mental health struggles can be identified early and that this will prevent them from becoming more problematic over time. But a new study found that there was no difference in outcomes between those who were screened and those who were not.

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Challenges for Families of Special-Needs Children Adopted from Overseas

August 7, 2022 | NWI

For years, evangelical Christians were enthusiastic supporters of adoption by sponsoring conferences, targeting adoption-friendly Sundays and staging adoption fairs in parish halls. Thousands of overseas children got new homes. Leading the way were evangelical luminaries such as recording artist Steven Curtis Chapman (three daughters from China) and then-Southern Baptist leader Russell Moore (two sons from Russia). Enthusiastic parents took up the challenge, traveling overseas for one or more children, even adopting special needs kids whose home countries were not interested in their care. More than a decade after this movement peaked, many families who went overseas are in crisis mode.

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Lack of Sleep Contributes to Mental Health Difficulties

June 13, 2022 | NWI

Teen mental health is a major concern for today’s parents. More than 1 in 3 high-schoolers say they’ve felt persistent sadness or hopelessness, and roughly 1 in 5 reports having seriously considered suicide. Many are searching for answers. But one major culprit identified in in this Washington Post opinion piece could be the significant sleep deprivation of this generation of teens.

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The Rise of Suicide Among Youth and Young Adults

May 13, 2022 | NWI

For decades, the average age of suicides has decreased and the rate of youth suicide has increased. Among youth and young adults, suicide is as common a cause of death as car crashes. This article explores what is and isn’t known about causes and treatment.

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Surprising Findings on Self-Harm During the Pandemic

February 24, 2022 | NWI

A study from Canada finds that, contrary to what many predicted, in the first 15 months of the pandemic, there was a decline in hospital care for either self-harm or overdose in teenagers and adolescents.

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Child Psychiatrist Questions Assumptions about Diagnosis and Treatment

February 24, 2022 | NWI

In this interview, Dr. Abi-Jaoude describes his interest in how social factors influence how we view the experiences of youth and in asking critical questions about some of psychiatry’s assumptions about diagnosis and treatment, particularly the influence of the pharmaceutical industry. He is coauthor of a journal article taking a second look at the research behind the famous Study 329, which found that certain psychiatric drugs did not improve teenagers’ depression symptoms better than no drugs, as had been claimed.

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What is Sensory Processing Disorder?

January 21, 2022 | NWI

Children who are deemed “sensitive” or “picky” might be struggling with a treatable condition.

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Single-Session Intervention Helps Teen Depression

January 21, 2022 | NWI

A study of more than 2,400 adolescents ages 13 to 16 shows that two online, single-session interventions designed to help curb teen depression are effective. This kind of tool is very much needed given a rise in teen depression and mental health workforce shortages during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Read about the intervention »

Contribute to Understanding of Mental Health and Neuroscience While Playing Phone Games

May 9, 2021 | NWI

Brain Explorer is an app produced by neuroscientists from University College London (UCL). The app presents games exploring outer space and questionnaires that will help gather information about how the brain works and how it is linked to mood and behavior.

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