Mental Health Conditions Archives - Page 14 of 15 - National Wraparound Initiative (NWI)
Mental health disorders, care increase among military children in US
May 16, 2016 | Emily Taylor
According to research presented this month at the Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, mental health diagnoses and care significantly increased among children who received care in the Military Healthcare System within the last 15 years.
Read more here >>.
Psychology professor aims to develop tool to assess how therapists treat youth anxiety
May 11, 2016 | Emily Taylor
Bryce McLeod, Ph.D., of Virginia Commonwealth University’s Department of Psychology, has received a $431,244 National Institute of Mental Health grant to develop an instrument to assess the effectiveness of therapists’ treatment of young people with anxiety.
Read more here >>.
New Child and Adolescent Mental Health Web Portal from NIMH
May 11, 2016 | Emily Taylor
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) recently introduced a new Child and Adolescent Mental Health Web Portal designed to help youth, caregivers, and professionals in understanding mental health conditions and disorders and the varying symptoms in children and adolescents throughout the developmental stages. This resource features helpful videos from experts, hotlines, and information on clinical trials.
Visit the site here >>.
SAMHSA Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day Short Report
May 5, 2016 | Emily Taylor
SAMHSA has issued a short report on children’s mental health, “Increasing Access to Behavioral Health Services and Supports through
Systems of Care” to illustrate how serving children and adolescents within a system of care increases access to behavioral health services and
supports and improves outcomes.
Access the full report here >>.
How Talking Openly Against Stigma Helped A Mother And Son Cope With Bipolar Disorder
May 2, 2016 | Emily Taylor
In this profile, single mother of four, Liza Long, talks about how sharing her experience dealing with her then middle-school aged son helped lead to her son’s correct diagnosis and treatment for bipolar disorder. Last month, her son Walton, who is now 16, spoke at TEDx Boise to share his story and speak out against the stigmatization of mental illness.
Read more here >>.
Poll On Children’s Health – Adults Believe Children’s Mental Health Worse Today
April 25, 2016 | Emily Taylor
According to the C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Children’s Health, 55 percent of adults polled believe kids’ mental health is worse today than for their own generation.
Read the full article here >>.
Resource: National Child Traumatic Stress Network Treatment and Intervention Fact Sheets
April 21, 2016 | Emily Taylor
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network has released a set of “Training Guidelines” for interventions to treat a variety of child traumatic stress including Trauma Focused-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools and Parent-Child Interaction Therapy. The new guidelines describe what training is recommended or required to provide, supervise, or train others in each model as well as how to communicate information about interventions to assist agencies in making decisions about their training needs.
Access the fact sheets here >>.
CDC: Social Factors Associated with Children’s Behavioral Health
April 19, 2016 | Emily Taylor
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published a new study looking at health care, family, and community factors related to mental, behavioral, and developmental disorders (MBDDs) among children aged two to eight years in the U.S. Researchers found that one out of seven children aged two to eight years were reported to have a diagnosed MBDD. Study findings highlight specific health care, family, and community factors that could be addressed through collaborative policy and programmatic efforts at national, state, and local levels.
Read the full article here >>.
Witnessing Violence Harms Children’s Mental Health
March 30, 2016 | Emily Taylor
In this article, Daniel J. Flannery, Professor and Director of the Begun Center for Violence Prevention Research and Education, Case Western Reserve University and Mark I. Singer, Professor of Family and Child Welfare, Case Western University, highlight study results on the negative impact of exposure to violence on children’s mental health. For example, high levels of exposure to violence (either as witness or victim) as children has been connected to greater levels of depression, anger and anxiety, as well as greater desensitization to violence.
New Studies: Trans Youth and Mental Health
March 30, 2016 | Emily Taylor
Two recently published studies explore the effects of socialization patterns on transgender youth. One of the recent studies, focused on 16-29 year old women, found that “the rate of psychiatric disorders and substance dependence among these women was 1.7 to 3.6 times greater than in the general population”. These young people grew up in poverty with little acceptance of their gender identities. The other study assessed the mental health of 73 transgender 3-12 year old children in Washington state and the results showed that this group did “not experience any more depression, and had only slightly more anxiety, than their siblings and non-transgender peers”. In contrast, these young people grew up in relatively affluent households and were more emotionally supported.