Mental Health Conditions Archives - Page 13 of 15 - National Wraparound Initiative (NWI)

ADHD: The Pros and Cons of a Drug Holiday

June 28, 2016 | Emily Taylor

This piece discusses the potential risks and benefits to having children on ADHD medication take a planned break from their medication during the summer.

Read the article about taking kids off ADHD medication over the summer»

A link between air pollution and children’s mental health?

June 23, 2016 | Emily Taylor

A recent study in Sweden found that kids living in areas with higher levels of air pollution were more likely to take prescription medicines associated with long-term mental illnesses.

Read the article about air pollution and children’s mental health»

Low attention control in early adolescence is a genetic risk factor for anxiety disorders

June 23, 2016 | Emily Taylor

“The Shared Etiology of Attentional Control and Anxiety: An Adolescent Twin Study” published recently in the Journal of Research on Adolescence, looked at genetic and environmental factors in low attention control and anxiety symptoms in early adolescence.

Read the article about the study on attention control and anxiety.»

Programs Provide Consultation on Psychotropic Medications for Kids

June 16, 2016 | Emily Taylor

This blog post profiles two programs – the Oregon Psychiatric Access Line about Kids, and the Partnership Access Line, used in Washington and Wyoming – that address the current national shortage of child psychiatrists by providing primary care physicians with consultation on behavioral health treatment options.

Read the article on psychotropic medication consultation for kids»

Antidepressants Little to No Help for Children and Teens

June 16, 2016 | Emily Taylor

After analyzing data from 34 studies involving more than 5,000 youths 9-18 years old, researchers found only fluoxetine (Prozac) was more effective than a placebo in relieving the youths’ depressive symptoms. Considering risk vs. benefits, researchers concluded that antidepressants may not be worthwhile for children and teens with major depression.

Read the article on anti-depressants for young people»

New study: Medication and Children in Foster Care

June 16, 2016 | Emily Taylor

A new study by Rutgers University-New Brunswick researchers looked at the use of anti-psychotic medication for children in foster care and other Medicaid-insured children. Although they found encouraging progress in several states, the researchers confirmed an ongoing need for greater oversight and quality improvement to ensure judicious prescription of anti-psychotics medications for children.

Read the article about anti-psychotic medication for children in foster care and other Medicaid-insured children»

Cities and children’s mental health

June 2, 2016 | Emily Taylor

A recent study of 2,232 British twin children from birth to age 12 looked beyond the immediate family to determine how urban environments and psychosis are associated. Results showed 4.4 percent of non-urban 12-year-olds experienced at least one definite psychotic symptom, and 7.4 percent of urban children did. Researchers recommend cities and neighborhoods implement programs to support greater social cohesion.

Read more here >>.

Smoking While Pregnant: Risks to children’s mental health

June 1, 2016 | Emily Taylor

A recent study led by Dr. Alan Brown of the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) shows a link between mothers who smoke during pregnancy and the likelihood that their children will develop schizophrenia.

Read more here >>.

Schools making mental health services a priority

May 19, 2016 | Emily Taylor

For Mental Health Awareness Month, a story profiling efforts of multiple school districts around the country to incorporate mental health services for students.

Read more here >>.