Mental Health Conditions Archives - Page 12 of 15 - National Wraparound Initiative (NWI)

Policing the Teenage Brain

September 12, 2016 | Emily Taylor

In this Atlantic interview, Lisa Thurau, founder and executive director of Strategies for Youth discusses the positive impact of their training program for police on youth mental health. In Cambridge, the program led to a 65 percent decline in juvenile arrests and an 80 percent decline in runaways.

Read the article about the benefits of training police on youth mental health issues»

Webinar Recording Available: Evidence-Informed Practice in Systems of Care: Misconceptions and Realities, Frameworks and Funding for Effective Services

August 30, 2016 | Emily Taylor

The webinar recording is now available for “Evidence-Informed Practice in Systems of Care: Misconceptions and Realities, Frameworks and Funding for Effective Services.” This webinar by the Child and Family Evidence Based Practice Consortium addresses misconceptions about evidence-based practice, how service providers within a system of care can select evidence-based practices for different age groups and behaviors of concern, and reviews the important adjustments effective organizations can make to deliver practice models with fidelity.

Access the webinar recording»

AAP provides guidance on treating acute pediatric mental health, behavioral problems

August 29, 2016 | Emily Taylor

A new two-part clinical report by The American Academy of Pediatrics’ Committee on Pediatric Emergency Medicine and the American College of Emergency Physicians’ Pediatric Emergency Medicine Committee identifies current knowledge gaps regarding pediatric mental health emergencies.

Read the article and access the original research reports on guidelines for pediatric mental health emergencies»

What Does OCD Look Like in the Classroom?

August 16, 2016 | Emily Taylor

In this blog post, Jerry Bubrick, PhD, of Child Mind Institute provides a list of behaviors for teachers and parents to watch for as possible indicators of OCD.

Read the post about potential indicators of OCD»

Common brain changes found in children with autism, ADHD and OCD

August 11, 2016 | Emily Taylor

New research from the Province of Ontario Neurodevelopmental Disorders Network (POND) founds similarities in brain imaging of white matter in 200 children with autism, ADHD, OCD or no diagnosis.

Read about the MRI study of shared brain biology across ADHD, OCD and autism»

NIH-funded study reveals long-term emotional effects of poor sleep

August 5, 2016 | Emily Taylor

According to recent research, children who experience inadequate or disrupted sleep are more likely to develop depression and anxiety disorders later in life.

Read about the research on the impact of lack of sleep on children»

The Need for Trauma-Informed Care

July 29, 2016 | Emily Taylor

In this article, Beverly Tobiason Psy.D., clinical director at Pima County Juvenile Court Center in Tucson, Arizona, describes something she’s seen frequently in her work: a diagnostic disconnect between trauma experiences and disruptive behavior disorders.

Read the article on providing trauma-informed care»

Families In Rural Areas Using Telemedicine For Psychiatric, Specialty Care

July 27, 2016 | Emily Taylor

Forbes article on growing use of telemedicine – video-based care – for mental health services. Article cites recent research showing that the average age of patients using these services is 16 and they are being used mostly in rural areas where support is not otherwise available nearby.

Read the article on telemedicine for mental health care in rural areas»

Mood Disorders and Teenage Girls

July 15, 2016 | Emily Taylor

In this blog post, Dr. Ron J. Steingard of the Child Mind Institute discusses the high rate of mood disorders among teenage girls and offers general considerations for treatment options.

Read the post about diagnosis and treatment of teenage girls’ depression and anxiety»