Child Welfare Archives - Page 9 of 12 - National Wraparound Initiative (NWI)
New SAMHSA Toolbox Promotes Mental Health and School Readiness in Young Children
May 9, 2017 | Emily Taylor
SAMHSA has introduced The Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) Toolbox as a resource to support children’s healthy development, from infancy through the transition to school. The toolkit includes interactive planning tools along with videos, and other resources to support efforts in states, tribes and local communities in using the IECMHC.
The Impact of Incarceration on Dependent Children
May 1, 2017 | Emily Taylor
A recent article in the National Institute of Justice Journal looks at research on the effects of parental incarceration on the well-being of their dependent children. The author, Eric Martin, a social science analyst in NIJ’s Office of Research and Evaluation, outlines the scope of the issue, potential risks for children as well as policy recommendations.
Child Trends Guidebook on Quality ECE
March 30, 2017 | Emily Taylor
A new resource from Child Trends, “Defining and Measuring Access to High-Quality Early Care and Education (ECE): A Guidebook for Policymakers and Researchers” offers a common definition of high-quality early care and education and a set of indicators for measuring access. This guidebook is intended as a tool to help policymakers make high-quality care accessible to more children.
Download the Guidebook from Child Trends»
Research: Improved Resiliency Following Trauma-Focused CBT
March 14, 2017 | Emily Taylor
Recent research published this month in Child Abuse & Neglect , measured the impact of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) for youth (7–17 years old) impacted by child sexual abuse (CSA). Results suggest that completing TF-CBT reduces symptom distress (i.e., PTSD and depression), and seems to lead to “greater feelings of mastery and emotional relatedness, and reduced emotional reactivity to stresses”.
Read the article on improved resiliency following trauma-focused CBT»
Wraparound Conference in New Zealand
February 20, 2017 | Emily Taylor
Dr. Ruth Gammon of Massey University in New Zealand and Dr. Eric Bruns, co-director of the National Wraparound Initiative, were keynote speakers at a Wraparound conference at Massey University earlier this month. The event offered information and training workshops for those who work with at-risk children and families.
NCTSN Impact on Data Initiatives
February 15, 2017 | Emily Taylor
The latest issue of Impact from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) focuses on various ways in which the results of NCTSN’s extensive data collection initiatives have been used by providers and sites to improve the care they provide.
Read about how data improves the quality of care for children who have experienced trauma»
Eric Bruns in New Zealand for National Wraparound Summit
February 13, 2017 | Emily Taylor
Eric Bruns, PhD, co-director of the National Wraparound Initiative, is in New Zealand this week for a National Wraparound Hui at Massey University. (Hui is a word with Māori origins used in New Zealand for gatherings and assemblies). Bruns participated in a national radio interview there with Dr. Ruth Gammon, Massey University psychologist and organizer of the event, about how wraparound services can help at-risk kids.
Listen to the interview on Radio New Zealand with Eric Bruns and Ruth Gammon»
Podcast: Home-visit program in child maltreatment cases strengthens parent-child interaction
January 24, 2017 | Emily Taylor
NIH funded a study of a home-visit program for parents previously investigated for child abuse. The study found that the program led to dramatic reduction in the percentage of young children who were removed from their homes and placed in foster care. During the home visits, trained specialists videotaped parents playing with their children and then provided feedback for the parents to help them be more sensitive to their child’s emotional and social cues.
New Research: Benefits of Close Paternal Bond
December 20, 2016 | Emily Taylor
A recent study from researchers at Oxford University found a link between a father’s emotional attachment to a child and greater positive behavioral outcomes for the child.
UMSSW Awarded Grant to Improve Placement and Stability for LGBTQ Children and Youth in Foster Care
November 21, 2016 | Emily Taylor
The Institute for Innovation and Implementation, at the University of Maryland School of Social Work (UMSSW), has entered into a cooperative agreement to establish a National Quality Improvement Center on Tailored Services, Placement Stability, and Permanency for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Children and Youth in Foster Care (LGBTQ QIC). This project will work with state child welfare systems, to implement promising and evidence-based practices that improve placement stability, well-being, and permanency. Interventions will be designed to enhance staff, caregiver, and provider knowledge, skills, and competency in providing safe, affirming, and supportive environments for LGBTQ youth in foster care.
Read about the grant-funded project focused on improving supports for LGBTQ children in foster care»