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Making the Grade: A Progress Report and Next Steps for Integrated Student Supports
December 8, 2017 | Emily Taylor
Child Trends has published a report on Integrated Student Supports (ISS) initiatives which help schools connect children with needed services (housing, medical care, food assistance, etc.) in order to support their academic success. Making the Grade: A Progress Report and Next Steps for Integrated Student Supports is an update on the developments in the field since 2014, when Child Trends first published a report on the topic. This 2017 report includes details on the growing number of evaluation studies on these programs and examples of successful implementation in specific cities.
Research: Psychological Impacts of Natural Disasters on Youth
October 2, 2017 | Emily Taylor
Researchers looked at how to identify children who need support services after natural disasters. They screened 327 children aged 7-11 who were in the path of Hurricane Ike in 2008. Researchers found that the preschool definition of PTSD helped identify children more effectively than the adult-based definition. The researchers also created a workbook for families to help their children cope after a hurricane.
Research: Children Living with Parents who have a Substance Abuse Disorder
September 25, 2017 | Emily Taylor
SAMHSA’s Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality (CBHSQ) August 2017 monthly report focused on children living with parents who have a substance abuse disorder. According to the report, data from the National Surveys on Drug Use and Health show that about “1 in 8 children (8.7 million) aged 17 or younger lived in households with at least one parent who had a past year substance use disorder (SUD)”.
Child Mind Institute’s 2017 Children’s Mental Health Report
September 25, 2017 | Emily Taylor
The Child Mind Institute recently published its 2017 Children’s Mental Health Report. This year the report has an emphasis on adolescent brain development and mental health disorders that develop during adolescence and young adulthood.
Data on Student Homelessness
August 18, 2017 | Emily Taylor
In a recent blog post, the National Center for Education Statistics shared data from two recent reports on student homelessness in urban, rural, and suburban settings. For these reports, homeless students are defined as “children/youth who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence”. In 2014-15, the highest percentage of homeless students was in cities, 578,000 students, 3.7 percent, but the percentage was also 2.0 or higher in suburban, rural and town districts.
Research on Biological Processes Impacted by Loss of a Father
August 2, 2017 | Emily Taylor
Recent research published in the journal Pediatrics identified biological changes correlated with the absence of a father in a child’s life. While the absence of a father, either due to incarceration, death, separation or divorce, is already understood to have adverse consequences for children, this research connected the loss of a father with a change at the cellular level. The children who lost their fathers had shorter telomeres, the protective nucleoprotein end caps of chromosomes and a core biological indicator of health.
SAMHSA Report: Emergency Dept. Visits Involving Underage Alcohol Misuse
June 14, 2017 | Emily Taylor
Last month, SAMHSA issued a short report on Emergency Department visits involving alcohol misuse by people aged 12 to 20 between 2010 and 2013. The report includes data on hospital visits related to alcohol-only and drug and alcohol combination and breaks results down by age segments and gender within the 12 to 20 group.
National Center for Children in Poverty Policy Report
May 23, 2017 | Emily Taylor
A new policy report, Strong at the Broken Places: The Resiliency of Low-Income Parents from The National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP) at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, looks at traits of resiliency of low-income parents to identify ways to promote resiliency in other parents.
Search for mental health care for children is often fruitless
May 15, 2017 | Emily Taylor
A recent Boston Globe article highlights the results of a 2015 Harvard study published this month in International Journal of Health Services. Researchers posing as a parent of depressed 12 year old called 913 doctors listed as network providers by Blue Cross Blue Shield organizations in Boston, Chapel Hill, N.C., Houston, Minneapolis, and Seattle. On average, they were able to schedule an appointment with a pediatrician only 40 percent of the time. Appointments with psychiatrists were only scheduled 17 percent of the time.
New SAMHSA Toolbox Promotes Mental Health and School Readiness in Young Children
May 9, 2017 | Emily Taylor
SAMHSA has introduced The Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) Toolbox as a resource to support children’s healthy development, from infancy through the transition to school. The toolkit includes interactive planning tools along with videos, and other resources to support efforts in states, tribes and local communities in using the IECMHC.