Child Welfare Archives - Page 6 of 12 - National Wraparound Initiative (NWI)

FosterStrong, Media Platform For and By Foster Youth, To Launch This Week

May 28, 2020 | Maria Hermsen-Kritz

A new nonprofit led by those with lived experience in the foster care system, designed to share stories of those currently in foster care as well as alums, launched this week.

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As Pandemic Batters Economy, Foster Youth Bear the Brunt

May 28, 2020 | Maria Hermsen-Kritz

This article, from the Chronicle of Social Change, details how the unemployment crisis resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic could hit foster youth harder than other employment-eligible young adults.

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Older Foster Youth Can Feel Unprepared to Navigate Mental Health Care, Study Finds

April 23, 2020 | Maria Hermsen-Kritz

A new study published by the Journal of Adolescent Health found that a high percentage of foster teens do not feel prepared to manage their own mental health upon entering adulthood, despite high rates of medication and mental health service use.

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California Rolls Out Plan to Prevent Youth from Aging Out of Foster Care During Pandemic

April 22, 2020 | Maria Hermsen-Kritz

California’s Gov. Newsom joined Illinois and Rhode Island in laying out a plan to prevent young people currently on extended foster care services from aging out during the pandemic.

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Thousands of Foster Children Were Sent Out of State to Mental Health Facilities Where Some Faced Abuse and Neglect

March 13, 2020 | Maria Hermsen-Kritz

ProPublica, in collaboration with the Chicago Tribune, takes a deep dive into the practice of sending foster children out of state for foster care, and the unchecked abuse and neglect these young people often faced hundreds of miles away from their homes and supports.

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Three Better Ways to Support Foster Youth than Extending Care to 26

March 9, 2020 | Maria Hermsen-Kritz

An alumni of the foster care system discusses his changing views on a California bill which would extend the state’s optional foster care system for young adults through age 25.

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Child Trends Brief: Applying the Research and Evaluation Provisions of the Family First Prevention Services Act

November 19, 2019 | Emily Taylor

Child Trends has published a brief with information for state agencies, legislators, and researchers on the Family First Act. The brief outlines research and evaluation requirements for prevention and kinship services currently eligible for federal reimbursement under the Family First Act.

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Lessons Learned When Building the Evidence for a Child Welfare Practice Model

August 21, 2019 | Emily Taylor

Child Trends recently issued this brief for the child welfare field to highlight lessons learned from the evaluation of Success Coach, a post-reunification program developed by Catawba County, North Carolina. The authors also discuss the implications for other jurisdictions who may want to implement and evaluate similar post-reunification services. According to the authors, the new Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) “offers an opportunity for agency leaders and practitioners to begin to build evidence of success.”

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More Research on Pervasive Effects of Childhood Trauma

June 6, 2019 | Emily Taylor

A research study published recently provided further evidence of the long-term negative impact caused by growing up in poverty and experiencing traumatic events as a child. The study’s senior author Ruben C. Gur, Ph.D., a professor of Psychiatry, Radiology, and Neurology, and director of the Brain Behavior Laboratory, said “Parents and educators should become more aware of the special needs of children who are exposed to either adversity. Additionally, mental health professionals should be particularly on notice that traumatic events are associated not only with PTSD, but with elevations across domains including mood, anxiety, and psychosis.”

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Rate of Children in Foster Care Increased in 39 States in 2017

January 3, 2019 | Emily Taylor

A new Child Trends post on the 2017 Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) data shows that in 2017 the number of children and youth in foster care in the U.S. rose for the 5th consecutive year, to 443,000, with 39 states experiencing an increase in the rate of children in foster care.

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