Child Welfare Archives - Page 11 of 12 - National Wraparound Initiative (NWI)

The 2016 KIDS COUNT Data Book

July 8, 2016 | Emily Taylor

The Annie E. Casey Foundation’s annual data book provides a snapshot on child welfare with statistics by state. This year’s data shows positive trends in several areas.

Read and download the 2016 Kids Count Data Book»

Downloadable Research Brief: Differential Response and the Safety of Children Reported to Child Protective Services: A Tale of Six States

July 7, 2016 | Emily Taylor

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has made available a research brief comparing outcomes in counties with child protective service agencies using a Differential Response (DR) model when handling reports of child maltreatment, versus the traditional Investigative Response. The DR response varies based on the identified risk for the child – low risk families are given prevention services.

Download the research brief here»

When Poverty Is Profitable

June 30, 2016 | Emily Taylor

Interview with Daniel L. Hatcher, a professor at the University of Baltimore’s School of Law, about his new book “The Poverty Industry: The Exploitation of America’s Most Vulnerable Citizens”.

Read The Atlantic interview with author, Daniel L. Hatcher»

Opening New Doors to Recruit and Retain Foster Parents

June 27, 2016 | Emily Taylor

In this opinion piece, April Dinwoodie, chief executive of the Donaldson Adoption Institute and co-founder and board VP of Fostering Change for Children, points out the importance of supporting connection with families of origin for youth in foster care.

Read the viewpoint article on openness in foster care»

New study: Medication and Children in Foster Care

June 16, 2016 | Emily Taylor

A new study by Rutgers University-New Brunswick researchers looked at the use of anti-psychotic medication for children in foster care and other Medicaid-insured children. Although they found encouraging progress in several states, the researchers confirmed an ongoing need for greater oversight and quality improvement to ensure judicious prescription of anti-psychotics medications for children.

Read the article about anti-psychotic medication for children in foster care and other Medicaid-insured children»

Obama signs bill aimed at protecting Indian children in tribal foster care

June 6, 2016 | Emily Taylor

President Obama signed into law a measure meant to bolster protections for American Indian children placed into the tribal foster care system. U.S. Sen. John Hoeven, R-ND, said the measure ensures that Indian children living on a reservation have the same protections when assigned to foster care that children living off the reservation have.

Read more here >>.

Resource: CDC Fact Sheet on ADHD in Young Children

May 16, 2016 | Emily Taylor

The CDC has published a fact sheet for parents and healthcare providers regarding treatment recommendations for young children (ages 2-5 years) diagnosed with ADHD. Although the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends healthcare providers first refer parents of young children with ADHD for training in behavior therapy before trying medicine, about 75% of young children with ADHD received medicine as treatment.

Read more here >>.

Residential Schools: A Promising Alternative to Foster and Group Homes

May 16, 2016 | Emily Taylor

Profile of Crossnore School, a nonprofit residential foster care home in North Carolina, which is one of 100 organizations certified in the Sanctuary model of “integrated, trauma-informed, whole culture approach”.

Read more about it here >>.

Mental health disorders, care increase among military children in US

May 16, 2016 | Emily Taylor

According to research presented this month at the Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, mental health diagnoses and care significantly increased among children who received care in the Military Healthcare System within the last 15 years.

Read more here >>.