Wraparound News

New Findings on Wraparound’s Effectiveness

April 13, 2021 | NWI

The Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry has just published a new study that formally summarizes the existing research on Wraparound’s …

New NWI Guidance Document: “NWI Guidance for Family First Prevention Service Act Evaluation Plans for High Fidelity Wraparound”

March 26, 2021 | NWI

States that are interested in including Wraparound in their FFPSA five-year plan must also submit a well-designed and rigorous evaluation strategy, as well as a …

Nominate a Wraparound Star for the Spotlight!

March 26, 2021 | NWI

The NWI spotlight recognizes people who have made contributions to Wraparound at any level, from participation on a single Wraparound team to leading a state …

New Webinar Recording and Slides: “WrapStat – A New System for Collecting and Using Wraparound Fidelity, Satisfaction, and Outcomes Data”

March 26, 2021 | NWI

Research continues to accrue showing that Wraparound care coordination can promote positive youth and family outcomes. However, outcomes are more positive when the team process, …

New Webinar Recording and Slides: “How Do Program and System Factors Influence Wraparound Implementation, Fidelity, and Sustainment?”

March 26, 2021 | NWI

Wraparound care coordination has been shown to be capable of promoting more positive outcomes for youth and families with complex needs. However, practitioners, technical assistance …

Seeking partners for rigorous research on Wraparound

August 3, 2020 | Maria Hermsen-Kritz

The evidence for the effectiveness of Wraparound has continued to grow over the past 20 years, but findings from randomized controlled trials have been mixed. …

New webinar recording and slides available: Applying implementation science to wraparound: what should we measure?

July 21, 2020 | Maria Hermsen-Kritz

A webinar presented July 8th by staff from the NWI and NWIC is now available to view online.

Wraparound is a widely utilized care …

New webinar recording available: Collaboration between youth partners and family partners in wraparound

May 13, 2020 | Maria Hermsen-Kritz

This webinar, presented by Caitlin Baird, Maria Hermsen-Kritz, and Janet Walker on April 30th, 2020, focused on strategies to optimize the connection between youth and …

New Practice Brief and Study guide available: How Youth Partners Can Collaborate With Family Partners in Wraparound

May 13, 2020 | Maria Hermsen-Kritz

A new practice brief from NWI and Pathways Research and Training Center provides guidance for youth and family partners working together on Wraparound teams to …

New Webinar Recording and Slides Available: Peer Parent Support: Evolution, Promises and Challenges

May 12, 2020 | Maria Hermsen-Kritz

This webinar provides an overview of high quality and purposeful peer support for parents, as well as a brief history of how Peer Parent Support …