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Financing Brief: Implementation and Financing of Home- and Community-Based Services for Children's Mental Health
Author: Stroul, B., Safer-Lichtenstein, B. S., Henderson-Smith, L. & Le, L. Submitted By: John Ossowski
This is an environmental scan exploring home- and community-based services provided by states for children, youth, and young adults with mental health conditions and their families. The scan assesses activities to implement the specific services and supports described in a joint informational bulletin released in 2013 by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
Keywords: finance, sustainability, state, model, finance, pubs2013

Financing Brief: Implementation of Health Reform for Children's Mental Health
Author: Stroul, B., Safer-Lichtenstein, B. S., Henderson-Smith, L. & Le, L. Submitted By: John Ossowski
This is the 2015 edition of an annual an environmental scan that explores implementation of health reform through the lens of services for children, youth and young adults with serious mental health conditions and their families. It identifies new activities and tracks progress in planning for and implementing the various provisions of the ACA.
Keywords: finance, sustainability, pubs2015