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Building a Family Support Partner Program: Tools and Tips for Agency Readiness and Hiring (2015)
Author: UMFS (United Methodist Family Services) in partnership with the VA Center of Excellence, NAMI VA, and Department of Behavioral H
This February 2015 webinar was created at UMFS (United Methodist Family Services) in partnership with the VA Center of Excellence, NAMI VA, and Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. It was centered on the Parent Support Partner program that UMFS developed in central and Northern VA. The full webinar recording is available from
Keywords: natural, community, support, service, support, array, access, family, pubs2015

Medicaid Financing for Family and Youth Peer Support: A Scan of State Programs
Author: Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc
Family and youth peer support providers are integral to teams serving children and youth with behavioral health challenges and their families, and they are distinct from traditional mental health service providers in that they operate out of their personal experience and knowledge. Strategies for funding formal family and youth peer support exist in states across the country. This document draws from a national scan of states that are using Medicaid to finance family and youth peer support efforts.
Keywords: human resource, role, youth partner, model, pubs2012