Wraparound Videos
These short animated videos, developed by NWI, NWIC and WERT in collaboration with The Institute for Innovation & Implementation, illustrate key concepts about Wraparound.
Wraparound Videos
Introduction to Wraparound: Monthly Minute
This video offers a general introduction to Wraparound for children, families and others who may be learning about it for the first time. It describes why this care coordination process was created, and how its team approach helps children and youth who experience serious mental health or behavioral challenges, and their families.
Wraparound – Bringing Systems Together: Monthly Minute
This video describes the evolution of the Wraparound movement and briefly outlines conditions needed to ensure successful implementation efforts. Wraparound outcome data illustrates how this care coordination practice model cost-effectively supports youth with complex behavioral needs and their families.
Coordinating Wraparound with Evidence Based Practice: Monthly Minute
This video describes the complementary relationship between Evidence-Based Practices (EBPs) and Wraparound and explains why both are essential for Systems of Care. It also describes the research on Wraparound and notes that when Wraparound is done fully, it is an Evidence-Based Practice.