What Factors Are Associated with Wraparound Fidelity and Satisfaction? Data Insights from WrapStat
December 01, 2023 | NWI
Since its launch in late 2020, WrapStat has become a repository for Wraparound implementation and outcomes data for over 100 Wraparound provider organizations. WrapStat supports use of the measures of the Wraparound Fidelity Assessment System (WFAS) and provides data to help state and local systems of care stay on track. What’s more, WrapStat provides unprecedented opportunities for research and evaluation of Wraparound nationally.
In this webinar we will provide WrapStat users, Wraparound providers, system of care leaders, researchers, evaluators, and others with some initial findings from a sample of approximately 9000 Wraparound Fidelity Index – Short Form (WFI-EZ) administrations. The findings we will present include associations between response rates and outcomes, how youth demographics (race/ethnicity, gender, age) are associated with fidelity and satisfaction, and how well demographics for WFI-EZ respondents reflect demographics of local populations of youth.
With this session, UW WERT and NWI continue to feed data back to our national Wraparound community of practice, examine trends in Wraparound implementation nationally, and identify ways licensed users can contribute to the collective quest to use data to continually improve Wraparound – locally and globally.