No More Garbage In Garbage Out: How to Get Good Survey Response Rates So You Can Make the Most of Your Wraparound Data
August 07, 2022 | NWI
Wraparound care coordination has been demonstrated to promote more positive mental health, residential, and cost outcomes for children and youth with complex needs and their families. However, research also shows that positive outcomes are dependent on adequacy of Wraparound fidelity. These findings underscore the importance of collecting fidelity and outcomes data that can be used to track implementation quality and support higher quality care. One of the most widely used Wraparound fidelity measures is the Wraparound Fidelity Index – Short Form (WFI-EZ), a self-report tool that gathers information related to implementation fidelity and quality, family satisfaction, and youth and family outcomes. This webinar will review best practices in data collection using surveys such as the WFI-EZ, and review research on the relationships among system factors, Wraparound provider organization conditions, Wraparound fidelity, and youth and family outcomes as well as instruments that provide data for all these variables. Presenters will share best practices for obtaining high WFI-EZ response rates and describe ways that WrapStat, and other measures of the Wraparound Fidelity Assessment System (WFAS), can facilitate data collection best practices and high response rates. General lessons about factors that influence the implementation process, Q&A, and dialogue among presenters and participants will conclude this session.