Upcoming NWI Webinars
The NWI presents web-based trainings and technical assistance sessions about high-quality Wraparound implementation, and the organizational and system supports that facilitate it. Presentations from national experts and NWI advisors last one hour, including time for audience questions. Please note all start and end times are Pacific Standard Time (PST).
Beyond Burnout: Transforming Organizations and Systems to Reduce Turnover and Support the Wraparound Workforce
Date: May 05, 2025
Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Online
Webinar Description:
Workforce turnover has been regularly cited as a significant problem within behavioral health systems, with recent turnover estimates ranging from 20 to 70% across different segments of the workforce. Such high rates of turnover result in increased staff burnout, loss of expertise, increased hiring and training costs, and negative effects on service accessibility and quality. Wraparound Care Coordination is not immune to such problems.
In this webinar, we will present the findings of a recent study on turnover within the Wraparound workforce. Results of the study, which surveyed 225 care coordinators and 82 administrators from 64 provider agencies within 12 states, suggest an average turnover rate of 30%, with about a third of current employees reporting that they are actively considering new employment. In this webinar, we will review data related to patterns of turnover across different sectors of the Wraparound workforce, the impact of turnover on service outcomes, and causes of high rates of turnover. We will end the session with a discussion of potential strategies that can be used to retain current members of the Wraparound workforce and decrease future turnover rates.