Intensive community treatment and support “Youth Wraparound” service in Western Australia: A case and feasibility study
March 13, 2019 | NWI
Citation: Smith, W., Sitas, M., Rao, P., Nicholls, C., McCann, P., Jonikis, T., …Waters, F. (2019). Intensive Community Treatment and Support “Youth Wraparound” Service in Western Australia: A Case and Feasibility Study. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 13(1), 151–158.
Abstract: Multiple services are often needed to address the needs of young people with complex emotional or behavioural needs. The Youth Wraparound model of service aims to provide all health and supportive services from one coordinating agency. While this has been researched overseas, there are currently few examples of this described in the Australian psychiatric context. A single‐case study design is presented with an evaluation of the clinical outcome and economic costs. There were significant reductions in the number of admissions to emergency departments, mental health wards and secure units, and improvements in mental health and well‐being. Yearly average time in institutional settings reduced from 69% to 7%. Cost savings in health utilization were estimated at $2,326,790. The Youth Wraparound model has the potential to offer improved clinical outcomes, significant cost savings over time, improved coordination between care providers, and an alternative to detention or incarceration.