Spencer Hensley

Spencer Hensley

Job Title: Evaluation Technical Assistance Specialist, Wraparound Evaluation and Research Team (WERT


Member Since: 2011

Spencer Hensley is filling a new role at the Wraparound Evaluation and Research Team (WERT) at the University of Washington: Evaluation Technical Assistance Specialist. He has worked with WERT for five years, coming on as a Research Study Assistant in 2011. In that time, he has worked closely with sites across the country, helping to guide evaluation plans, collect data, manage research projects, and facilitate understanding of results. He participated in the initial development and pilot testing of the WFI-EZ. He has evaluated sites in-depth using WERT’s intensive, comprehensive assessment process, WrapSTAR.

In his new role, Spencer will be a hub for coordinating WERT’s large, state-wide evaluation efforts. He will also lead the development of a new series of products and processes to better guide partners in developing clear, feasible, and sustainable evaluation and quality improvement plans.

This September, Spencer will participate in the National Wraparound Implementation Academy with his colleagues from WERT to provide individualized TA and assist with the Evaluation, Research, and Outcomes Management Track.

In addition to his work with Wraparound, Spencer has participated in several program evaluations of education- or juvenile-justice-related efforts in the Seattle area, such as the local Juvenile Drug Court and a Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth Task Force. Before coming to Seattle, he worked at the Nevada Institute for Children’s Research and Policy.

Outside of work, Spencer likes reading, cycling, and spending time with his wife, Jessie.