Michelle Zabel

Michelle Zabel
Job Title: Director of The Institute for Innovation and Implementation at the University of Maryland School of Social Work
Website: https://theinstitute.umaryland.edu/
Member Since: 2012
Michelle Zabel is the Director of The Institute for Innovation and Implementation at the University of Maryland School of Social Work. Ms. Zabel has over 20 years of experience working in child- and family-serving systems, in both the public and private sectors, at organizational, county, and state levels across the nation in the provision of training and technical assistance on Wraparound, systems of care, service system design, and financing across systems, including juvenile justice and child welfare.
Ms. Zabel is the Principal Investigator and Project Director for the newly funded Technical Assistance Network (TA Network) for Children’s Behavioral Health, the new national technical assistance center for states and communities funded by the Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children and Their Families Program (CMHI). Additionally, Ms. Zabel is part of the Executive Leadership of the National Technical Assistance Collaborative for the 1915(c) Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility Demonstration Project through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; a member of the Annie E Casey Evidence 2 Success Finance Team; an advisor to the MST Network Partner Advisory Group; and a national advisor to the National Wraparound Initiative. Her most recent work focuses on assisting states with service delivery system design in conjunction with healthcare reform and the implementation and sustaining of various evidence-based and promising practices.
Ms. Zabel has been with the University of Maryland since 2005, when she was hired as the Director of the newly established Maryland Child and Adolescent Innovations Institute at the School of Medicine. Under her leadership, Innovations Institute grew exponentially in eight years, transforming from a small technical assistance center for Maryland’s Children’s Cabinet into a multi-million dollar, nationally recognized, best practice center for systems of care.
Ms. Zabel’s previous work experience includes serving as the Associate Vice President of Ambulatory Services for a Behavioral Health Network; as Director of the Department of Pediatrics at Albert Einstein Healthcare Network; and as Director of the Burlington Partnership SAMHSA Grant and member of the state executive leadership team for New Jersey’s Children’s System of Care Initiative.
Ms. Zabel graduated from Eastern College with a bachelor degree in sociology and Bryn Mawr College with the master of social service degree, with a specialization in clinical social work.
Michelle will share her knowledge and expertise in the Program Administration and Policy track at the NWIC Mini-Academy at Portland State this July.