Webinar: Healthy Native Youth - Offering Engaging, Relevant, Effective Health Resources
Opportunity: Webinar: Healthy Native Youth – Offering Engaging, Relevant, Effective Health Resources
Deadline: 11/22/2016
Website: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3663767735594886915
Sponsor: Office of Minority Health Resource Center
HealthyNativeYouth.org is a new one-stop-shop for educators and health advocates who want to expand learning opportunities for American Indian/Alaska Native youth. The site was designed for tribal health educators, teachers, and parents – providing the training and tools needed to access and deliver effective, age-appropriate programs. This webinar will share tips for navigating the Healthy Native Youth website, highlight a few of the health curricula available on the site, and will encourage participants to submit their own programs for inclusion on the site.