Funding: Targeted School Mental Health Technical Assistance for State Education Agencies

Opportunity: Funding: Targeted School Mental Health Technical Assistance for State Education Agencies

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Deadline: 05/24/2017


Sponsor: Center for School Mental Health


The national Center for School Mental Health at University of Maryland School of Medicine (CSMH) invites State Education Agencies (SEAs) to apply for a targeted school mental health technical assistance opportunity to improve their capacity to address student social and emotional needs and school climate. Participating SEAs will receive: 1) funding to attend the 22nd Annual Conference on Advancing School Mental Health and; 2) individualized technical assistance with school mental health expert faculty throughout the 2017-2018 school year. The Center for School Mental Health will host a webinar for potential applicants to the State School Mental Health Technical Assistance Request for Proposals on Wednesday, May 3, 2017 from 3-4pm EST to review the RFP and answer questions. Please join the webinar at: Dial: 1-800-832-0736 Access code: 7331009

April 26, 2017