Evidence2Success Seeking Proposals from Communities for 2017
Opportunity: Evidence2Success Seeking Proposals from Communities for 2017
Location: Baltimore, MD, USA
Deadline: 08/04/2017
Website: http://www.aecf.org/blog/evidence2success-2017-community-selection-process/
Sponsor: Annie E. Casey Foundation
The Casey Foundation is seeking proposals from communities interested in implementing Evidence2Success, a framework that brings public system and resident leaders together to improve child well-being. The Foundation will select up to three new sites to join Providence, Rhode Island, Mobile and Selma, Alabama, and Kearns Township in Salt Lake County, Utah, which are already carrying out the framework. For additional information about the program, please email Mildred Johnson at mjohnson@aecf.org with the subject line “RFP Question” by July 21, 2017.