Evaluation and Program Operations Specialist
Job: Evaluation and Program Operations Specialist
Location: Seattle, WA, USA
Deadline: 03/31/2019
Sponsor: Wraparound Evaluation and Research Team (WERT), Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington
Do you LOVE Wraparound?
Do you have experience with Wraparound implementation, evaluation, and/or workforce development?
The University of Washington Wraparound Evaluation and Research Team (UW WERT), the accountability wing of the NWIC, is recruiting a high-level Evaluation and Program Operations Specialist.
The successful applicant will be located in our office in Seattle, WA, and will be responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of our team, and promoting high-quality Wraparound worldwide.
Specific duties include:
- Manage upkeep and dissemination of the measures of the Wraparound Fidelity Assessment System (WFAS).
- Manage relations with 100+ states and programs nationally that license tools of the WFAS and/or receive implementation support from NWIC
- Evaluate systems change progress, Wraparound implementation, fidelity, and outcomes being achieved by 10+ states receiving implementation support from NWIC
- Oversee development of our ambitious new online WFAS data collection and reporting and Wraparound evaluation management system, provisionally titled WrapUP!
- Supervise Research Assistants and undergraduates working with UW WERT
- Manage local and national evaluation contracts and deliverables
- Maintain UW WERT communications, social media, website, etc.
Qualifications include:
- Minimum of five years’ experience with wraparound and/or children’s behavioral health systems of care
- Fluency with evaluation, data, and data analysis
- Excellent oral and written communication skills, including ability to independently design and develop reports and reporting templates
- Experience managing complex programs or projects
- Experience managing multiple staffpersons and working as part of a team
- Experience designing and/or managing evaluation measures and/or web-based data systems a plus
If you are interested, send a letter of interest and resume to Philip Benjamin (pbenia87@uw.edu) with a cc: to Eric Bruns (ebruns@uw.edu).