SOC Expansion Leadership LC: Collaboration in System of Care Expansion - How Do You Know?
SOC Expansion Leadership LC: Collaboration in System of Care Expansion – How Do You Know?
Location: Online
Date/ Start Time: 08/23/2017, 11:30 am
Sponsor: SAMHSA
Event Description:
This session of the System of Care Expansion Leadership Learning Community will focus on collaboration – among and across child-serving system partners; families and youth; and state, community, and tribal jurisdictions. We talk often about why we collaborate (sometimes we are required to) and sometimes we talk about how to do it. The learning community meeting will provide an opportunity to talk about whether we are really doing it and how to improve collaboration to achieve system of care expansion goals. Leaders are critical to the process of collaboration, and the strategies shared will help leaders to learn how to assess and improve collaboration in their system of care efforts. The presenter will provide space to touch on why and when we collaborate, how we might collaborate better, and how we know that we are working in collaboration to promote complex change in health and human service systems.