CMHI National Evaluation Web Event Training Series: Using a Trauma-Informed Approach for Evaluation


CMHI National Evaluation Web Event Training Series: Using a Trauma-Informed Approach for Evaluation


Location: Online

Date/ Start Time: 08/03/2017, 10:00 am


Sponsor: SAMHSA

Event Description:

Trauma can impact evaluation and strategies are available to respond effectively. Presenters will discuss trauma issues in evaluation from the perspective of youth and families from whom data is collected when questions are sensitive and may create discomfort or negative emotions. They will also consider the perspective of youth and families who are collecting data, including the skills they need to identify and respond to trauma and how to handle their own trauma-related issues that may be triggered in this process. The Web Event will: • Provide an overview of a trauma-informed framework for evaluation • Identify techniques for data collection that use a trauma-informed approach • Identify methods to recognize and respond to post-trauma responses from families and youth • Identify strategies of self-care for data collectors