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NWI Newsletter

May 16, 2024

Greetings from the National Wraparound Initiative

Wraparound Process User's Guides

New Family Guide to Wraparound—English and Spanish

English guide »

Spanish guide »

NWI Resources and News

Wraparound Process User's Guide covers

New Family Guide to Wraparound – English and Spanish

We’re pleased to announce the availability of both English and Spanish versions of the new revised and updated version of the Wraparound Process User's Guide: A Handbook for Families. The Guide provides families with information about what to expect from Wraparound and how the process will unfold. It also provides information about key Wraparound terms and roles. The Guide is available online now in both English and Spanish, and print versions of both will be available to order from the NWI soon.

Blog and Recorded Webinar Highlight Successful State-Level Strategies for Evaluating Wraparound

Every system of care is unique, and each one’s approach to evaluating Wraparound is unique as well. Although the NWI and its partners encourage use of certain tools to stay on track – such as the measures of the Wraparound Fidelity Assessment System (WFAS) – states, communities, and provider organizations all invest in different methods to collect and use data. The latest NWI blog explores this topic, and points readers toward the April 16th webinar – now available as a recording – to learn in detail how four states are using the WFAS tools to support Wraparound, guide decision making and ensure quality.

Spotlight: Spring 2024

Amy  Muñoz

Spotlight on Amy Muñoz

In her position as Special Projects Advisor for Arizona’s Children’s System of Care, Amy Muñoz. Works with a clear goal in mind: to improve practice in the state’s child and family teams, and to improve outcomes for the approximately 3,000 children identified with complex needs and their families. Read about what she’s been doing in the Spring Spotlight.

News from the Field

The following are NWI staff selections of recent news items of interest to the Wraparound community:

  • What Clinicians Think Is Driving the Youth Mental Health Crisis
  • What Exactly Is Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)?
  • Physical Fitness Linked to Better Mental Health in Young People
  • "Last Week Tonight" Discusses Medicaid MCOs
  • Housing Support Improves Outcomes for Families Involved in Child Welfare

Events and Opportunities

Webinar: Recognizing and Treating Eating Disorders

Date/Time: May 17, 2024, 6am PT / 9am ET

In this training, participants will learn the difference between disordered eating and a diagnosable eating disorder; when to refer out to a specialty provider; and what to say and what not to say when working with an individual suffering from an eating disorder. A short overview of different treatment approaches for eating disorders will also be provided.

Webinar: The Therapeutic Use of Humor in Treatment and Recovery

Date/Time: June 5, 2024, 8am PT / 11am ET

This webinar will review the research on the benefits of using humor to improve physical, mental and emotional health, and teach participants how to use humor to improve rapport with clients and to help clients grow in recovery, and to help reduce burnout and increase organizational morale.

Webinar: Harm Reduction in Behavioral Health

Date/Time: June 6, 2024, 8am PT / 11am ET

This workshop will explore the vast array of situations and settings in which a harm reduction lens can be utilized in behavioral health. Participants will learn how to implement harm reduction strategies, and to use tools to navigate conversations on access to lethal means.

Webinar: Giving Effective Feedback

Date/Time: June 6, 2024, 11:15am PT / 2:15pm ET

Communicating feedback to team members in a way that motivates them to improve can be a difficult challenge. Most people dread feedback and automatically think it will be negative. However, given effectively, feedback can help people grow, which is a key part of the supervisory function. This webinar addresses some practical tools to give effective feedback to your direct reports.

Webinar: Managing Conflict on Interdisciplinary Teams

Date/Time: June 11, 2024, 7:45am PT / 10:45am ET

To provide effective support services, teams are often needed to fully address the participant’s situation. Diverse perspectives can lead to conflict, which can cause services to be less effective. This webinar will provide strategies for identifying and and managing team conflict.


"The NWI works to promote understanding about the components and benefits of Wraparound, and to provide the field with resources to facilitate high quality and consistent Wraparound implementation."

Funding / support

The NWI would like to thank the individuals and organizations that make our work possible through collaboration and other forms of support.


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2024, National Wraparound Initiative, Portland State University, PO Box 751, Portland, OR, 97207-0751.

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