Authors A - C

Marvin Alexander

Marvin Alexander is the Vice-Chair of YouthMOVE National, a national youth-run organization devoted to uniting the voices and causes of youth and young adults who have serious emotional disorders and are involved in multiple systems. Marvin is a national leader who has provided technical assistance, consultation and training to groups and organizations across the country. He is an advocate of youth rights and voice, not only in their own treatment but also in the development of policies, research, program evaluation, and the overall transformation of systems that directly touch the lives of American youth.

Marvin's Resource Guide article:

Harold Baize

Harold Baize has more than 20 years experience conducting research on children’s mental health and evolutionary psychology, including five years as the principal evaluator for Connecting Circles of Care, a culture-based wraparound program. He has used his award-winning 3D photographic and videographic skills to document CCOC activities.

Harold's Resource Guide article:

Gary Bess

Gary Bess is the principal for Gary Bess Associates where he leads a team of researchers assisting public and private health and human service agencies in program evaluation, needs assessment, strategic planning, and applied research.

Gary's Resource Guide article:

Gary Blau

Gary M. Blau, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist who currently serves as Chief of the Child, Adolescent and Family Branch of the Center for Mental Health Services.  In this role, he provides national leadership for children’s mental health and for creating “systems of care” across the country. In his former role as a clinician, he was fortunate to have provided services using a wraparound approach, and later, as an administrator, he had the opportunity to train others in the use of wraparound. In his current role as Branch Chief, he feels privileged to support the National Wraparound Initiative, as well as other efforts to bring wraparound to all children and youth with serious mental health challenges and their families.

Gary's Resource Guide article:

Neil Brown

Neil Brown is president of Neil Brown Consulting Inc, a consulting firm focused on supporting the development of individualized services. Mr. Brown has focused his work in the last fifteen years on the development of effective systems of care in a variety of community settings through work at state, county, and local government levels, as well as through support to agencies and programs that contribute to providing effective care for youth and families

Neil's Resource Guide article:

Eric Bruns

Eric Bruns is a clinical psychologist and an Assistant Professor at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle. He spends much of his professional life conducting research on innovative community-based models for helping youth and families with complex needs, including family treatment drug courts, treatment foster care, parent support programs, and the wraparound process. He is a lead developer of the Wraparound Fidelity Assessment System and, with Janet Walker, co-directs the National Wraparound Initiative.

Eric's Resource Guide articles:

John Burchard

John Burchard was a tireless advocate for children, youth, and families, and he was passionate about wraparound’s promise. As a professor at the University of Vermont, John dedicated much of the last two decades of his life to thinking about how to better support communities and programs to implement wraparound. He co-wrote One Kid at a Time about the Alaska Youth Initiative, led the evaluation of Project Wraparound in Vermont, and created the Wraparound Fidelity Index. This Resource Guide is dedicated to John’s memory.

John's Resource Guide article:

Eleanor Castillo

Eleanor Castillo, Ph.D., is former Corporate Director of Outcomes and Quality Assurance at Eastfield Ming Quong. Dr. Castillo currently is in private practice, providing consultation on improving outcomes by transforming management, accountability structure, and operations. 

Eleanor's Resource Guide article:

Laura Champion

Laura Champion is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist certified in Chemical Dependency treatment with 24 years of experience working with children, adolescents, and families with severe behavioral and mental health issues. She is the Santa Clara County Division Director at EMQ Children and Family Services. She is responsible for program development, assurance of clinical quality, leadership and management of eleven programs serving over 2,000 children and families annually. Services range from Wraparound andSystem of Care to Residential and First Five. Laura has also been the director of a Chemical Dependency Treatment facility for adolescents and the Associate Director for a Level 14 residential treatment facility. She has successfully implemented the Wraparound principles into numerous clinical service models over the past decade with successful outcomes for children and families.

Laura's Resource Guide article:

Bruce Chorpita

Bruce Chorpita is Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles. He is one of the co-developers of the Managing and Adapting Practice (MAP) system. Dr. Chorpita's work is dedicated to improving the effectiveness of mental health services delivered to all children, through innovation in mental health treatment design, clinical decision-making and information-delivery models, and mental health system architecture and processes.

Bruce's Resource Guide article:

Denise Churchill

Denise Churchill has been with Orange County Children and Family Services for 16 years and has served as a Social Worker, Supervisor and Program Manager.  Since 1999, Denise has worked to develop and recommend best practice approaches to enhance the Agency’s delivery of services.  Denise was involved in the development of Wraparound Orange County prior to the implementation in July 2001, and was Program Manager for Wraparound OC from March 2004-April 2008. Denise lives with her husband and two teenage daughters in Orange County, California.

Denise's Resource Guide article:

Constance Conklin

Constance Conklin is the Wraparound/System Reform Coordinator in the State of Michigan at The Department of Community Health: Mental Health Services to Children and Families. Connie has been involved in wraparound in several different capacities over the past fifteen years.

Constance's Resource Guide articles:

Kathy Cox

Kathy Cox is a Clinical Director for EMQ Children and Family Services. As such, she oversees three wraparound teams in the Sacramento region that serve up to 98 youth and families each year. She has conducted research and published articles on strength-based assessment, wraparound, and other community-based approaches to serving high-risk youth and families.

Kathy's Resource Guide article:

Doug Crandall

Doug Crandall has been involved with wraparound implementation and funding since its inception in Washington State in the early 1990s. He was the Children's Manager for the local mental health authority in Pierce County for 17 years and is currently the Chief of Operations for a provider agency delivering Wraparound services in Washington and Oregon. Doug has been involved in all aspects of wraparound development in Washington, including standards, rate setting and outcome monitoring.

Doug's Resource Guide article:



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Child, Adolescent and Family Branch,
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National Institute on Disability and
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2008-2014, National Wraparound Initiative, Portland, Oregon.