The National Wraparound Initiative (NWI) was launched in 2003. Its mission is to assist the human services field to better understand the wraparound model, implement it with greater consistency and quality, and support research studies on outcomes.
In keeping with the philosophy of wraparound, the NWI also aims to conduct its work collaboratively – through a partnership among wraparound experts, family members and youth, family advocates, program administrators, researchers, and others – in order to tap into the full range of expertise on wraparound as well as engage as many stakeholders as possible.
The Resource Guide to Wraparound is a result of this collaboration. The Guide includes five sections, plus additional resources in the appendices. The sections are:
- Introduction and Basics. Introduction to and history of wraparound, the National Wraparound Initiative and the Resource Guide.
- The Principles of Wraparound. A description of the values that underlie wraparound and examples of what these values look like in practice
- Theory and Research. A focus on key questions such as Why is wraparound expected to produce positive outcomes? What is the evidence of wraparound’s effectiveness? and How widely implemented is wraparound?
- Wraparound Practice. The NWI’s description of the phases and activities that make up the wraparound process, and descriptions of key roles in carrying out the process
- Supporting Wraparound Implementation. A series of articles focusing on what organizations and communities need to provide to support and sustain wraparound: coaching and training, finance, accountability structures, data systems, and more
We hope that you find these materials helpful and that you will give us feedback about their usefulness. Our feeling is that there are revisions to be done and new materials that will be added to these contents. This Resource Guide is not a product but part of a process that intends to continually improve our ability to support individuals with complex needs and their families.
Child, Adolescent and Family Branch,
Center for Mental Health Services,
Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration
National Institute on Disability and
Rehabilitation Research, United States
Department of Education