NWI Newsletter
April 21, 2021 |
Greetings from the National Wraparound Initiative |
New Findings on Wraparound's Effectiveness
New Findings on Wraparound's Effectiveness
The Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry has just published a new study that formally summarizes the existing research on Wraparound’s costs and impact on child and youth outcomes. A new blog post from the NWI discusses the importance of the study’s findings that Wraparound consistently produces positive outcomes for youth and reduces the cost of care.
Read the blog post »
Access the full-text version of the article »
NWI Guidance for Family First Prevention Service Act Evaluation Plans for High Fidelity Wraparound
States that are interested in including Wraparound in their FFPSA five-year plan must also submit a well-designed and rigorous evaluation strategy, as well as a plan for continuous quality improvement (CQI) and fidelity monitoring. This new document from the NWI provides guidance on how to meet these criteria.
Read the guidance document »
![Sheamekah Williams](https://nwi.pdx.edu/newsletter/images/member-spotlight/Sheamekah-Williams-160.jpg)
Sheamekah Williams
This month, the NWI takes great pleasure in introducing you to Sheamekah Williams, the leading visionary behind the exponential growth of Oklahoma’s Systems of Care.
Read more about Sheamekah » |
Nominate a Wraparound Star for the Spotlight!
The NWI spotlight recognizes people who have made contributions to Wraparound at any level, from participation on a single Wraparound team to leading a state or national initiative. If you know of someone whose Wraparound story or journey merits recognition, we encourage you to nominate them.
Fill out the nomination form » |
The following are NWI staff selections of recent news items of interest to the Wraparound community:
- Race-Blind Decision Making Could Reduce Disparities in the Child Welfare System
- Virtual Treatment Has Been Successful for Youth and Young Adults During the Pandemic
- Study Finds Psychiatric Disorders Persist 15 Years After Youth Are Detained
- Promoting Effective Virtual and Phone Engagement With Children, Youth, Families and Caregivers
- Train the Trainer Approach Appears Effective in a Community Mental Health Context
View these and other news items » |
Live Consultation: Trauma-Informed Practice with LGBTQ+ Clients
Date/Time: April 27, 2021, 11am PT / 2pm ET
April's Ask Our Experts, about trauma-informed practice with LGBTQ+ clients, will feature Dr. Jill Levenson, PhD, LCSW and Dr. Shelley Craig, PhD, LCSW.
Register »
Virtual Conference: Non-Negotiable: Demanding Social and Racial Equity in Our Systems of Care
Date/Location: April 28 – April 29, 2021, Online
The California Mental Health Advocates for Children & Youth (CMHACY) conference is the longest-standing conference in the state of California focused upon the social, emotional and behavioral health of children, youth and their families. The annual conference has been one of the state’s most powerful events for those interested in advocating and promoting the policies, programs, and practices that enhance the well-being of vulnerable children, youth and families.
Register »
Webinar: Differentiating & Selecting Among Evidence-Based Programs to Find One That Fits
Date/Time: May 11, 2021, 11:30am PT / 2:30pm ET
In this session, explore the step-by-step process for selecting appropriate evidence-based practices and programs to meet the needs and address gaps within a system of care. Consider 1) the priority of need, identified target areas and interest and support of the system; 2) matching possible evidence-based interventions with target areas and need; 3) assessing fit based on population characteristics, setting, cost, available capacities of system; complexity of the EBP; implementation requirements, and flexibility/adaptability of EBP for local context.
Register »
Webinar: Supporting Students Impacted by Racial Stress and Trauma
Date/Time: June 2, 2021, 12pm PT / 3pm ET
This webinar is sponsored by the Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network and is part of the School Mental Health Virtual Learning Series.
Register »
Order Publications from the NWI
Printed copies of the following publications can be ordered from the NWI:
- Wraparound Process User's Guide: A Handbook for Families
- Manual del Usuario del Proceso de Wraparound (Asistencia Integral): Una Guía para Familias (Spanish Version of The Wraparound Process User's Guide)
- Wraparound Implementation Guide: A Handbook for Administrators and Managers
Order print publications » |
"The NWI works to promote understanding about the components and benefits of Wraparound, and to provide the field with resources to facilitate high quality and consistent Wraparound implementation." |
Funds to support this activity come from the Center for Mental Health Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, United States Department of Health and Human Services. |
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2021, National Wraparound Initiative, Portland State University, PO Box 751, Portland, OR, 97207-0751.
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NWI is a Core Partner in the National TA Network for Children's behavioral Health. If you like this newsletter, subscribe to the TA Telegram, a newsletter focusing on issues relevant to SOC communities. |